The “Friend” Does NaNoWriMo – Week Two


This one is titled: “NaNoWriMo: writing oomph . . . or lack thereof”.

Right, I am not going to lie . . . I have found doing any kind of writing almost impossibly difficult this week. Both Manon (our Illustrations Ed), and I seem to have lost our writing oomph, after starting off so enthusiastically.

We haven’t even managed an office “write-in” this week, and I skipped my Sunday writing session last weekend.

Apparently, it is not unusual to be flagging at this midway point.

Help is at hand

Luckily, the folks at NaNoWriMo headquarters have provided the very thing to inject some aforementioned oomph if you are also running low.

NaNoWriMo Pep Talks can be found at the bottom of the home page, under the Writer’s Resources tab of the NaNoWriMo website. The most recent one is from Victoria E. Schwab, author of fantasy fiction.

Reading this has given me that little push of encouragement I needed, and I’m sure Manon will find it helpful too.

Victoria tells us to forget that we are writing a book, and to think of it just as writing a story. At the moment, it is yet unformed — and that’s perfectly fine. NaNoWriMo is the time to throw the clay down and start shaping it this way and that, without worrying too much about the finished product.

This is difficult to do, as we naturally judge ourselves and itch to edit those wild, free-flowing words as soon as they appear.

Resist that urge! Allow your creative energy the freedom to dance and play, to bring something new into the world.

“Go make something . . . Go carve out or dig up or mould together something out of nothing but ideas, because you can.” Victoria gives us all the permission we need!


Perhaps you’ve come face-to-face with a brick wall in your story. You can’t imagine where the plot leads next, or your characters refuse to  truly come alive.

Fiction Ed Shirley knows a thing or two about writing. She shares many blog posts about the writing process, but you’ll find my favourite one about inspiration here.

We are all sad that Shirley is leaving, but I’m sure that whoever takes over the reins next March, will continue to provide such helpful, in-depth resources for writers.

You an find other interesting posts on the Fiction Ed’s Blog.

I hope we have inspired you to keep on keeping on, in the race of words that is NaNoWriMo!

Until next week . . .


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