For this week’s story starter, I thought we’d look at islands.
Giving your story a definite geographical setting can be really helpful, if you’re finding it difficult to get started.
Many of our stories in the “Friend” are set here in the UK, but we’re always interested in stories set in other places, too.
What springs to mind, when you think of an island?
Holiday islands. Capri. Santorini. The Maldives. Manhattan.
Islands with links to home – English-speaking, perhaps. Gibraltar. The Falkland Islands. Malta.
Islands close to home – Republic of Ireland. Iceland. the Faroe Islands.
Island nations. Japan.
Closer To Home
Of course, we have lots of islands here at home, too.
In Scotland, Skye is a firm favourite of Editor, Angela.
The island of Barra, where the runway for scheduled flights is…the beach!
Anglesey, the Isle of Wight, and the Isles of Scilly.
Orkney, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Coll – which you may know from the Katie Morag stories.
History and holiness on Iona, and Lindisfarne – a tidal island.
Island Life
The pros of island life – a strong sense of community. Appreciating nature. A slower pace of life.
The cons – fewer amenities; cost; lots of people and things are so far away. Being at the mercy of the weather!
Newcomers to the island – how will they fit in?
Island life. Fishing, and farming. Crofting. Little whitewashed cottages. The ferry.
Children, moving away, for education, or employment.
Other Island Thoughts
No man is an island – John Donne. We’re all connected.
Traffic islands.
Islands In The Stream – Kenny and Dolly!
Stories We’re Looking For
We’re looking ahead to stories for January and February, now, for the weekly; and for February and March, for the Special.
We’re happy to consider stories for our Annual all year round; these tend to be the most traditional of all our stories.
Whatever the season, strong stories, with real depth, are always most welcome.