Today we speak to author Sarah Swatridge. Her pocket novel “Jacob’s Ladder” is in shops now.
Tell us about your pocket novel “Jacob’s Ladder”?
It’s set in Reading 1901 and Alice’s circumstances drastically change. She has to stand on her own two feet, even if this eventually means working ‘for the enemy’, which will alienate the handsome Jacob.
Do you mostly enjoy writing historical stories?
Yes, I love writing historical stories. I love reading them too whether they’re set in Medieval times or as recent as the sixties. I also enjoy watching a good costume drama.
What’s your favourite period to write about?
Most of mine are set in Victorian times and are usually based around my local area of Berkshire.

Sarah’s latest pocket novel is in shops now.
How long does it take you to complete a pocket novel?
This is a difficult question to answer because I am usually working on several writing projects at the same time. Writing a pocket novel, for me, can be broken down into several stages and so I might have one I’ve finished the first draft and need to set it aside before going back to edit, and so I then begin to plan another. I also write short stories for “The People’s Friend”.
What’s your favourite piece of information you’ve discovered while researching a story?
Quakers, such as Cadbury’s, Rowntree, Bourneville, Fry etc were big employers in Victorian times but Quakers weren’t allowed to get ‘advanced’ education such as going to university!
What’s your advice to budding pocket novel authors?
Get yourself a subscription for the “People’s Friend Pocket Novels”. You really can’t beat reading what’s already been accepted and they’re guaranteed to give you that feel-good factor!
Thank you, Sarah!