Writer Of The Week: Anne Pack

This Thursday sees the release of Anne’s Pocket Novel “The Heart Of Heatherton Hall”. We chatted to her about all things fiction!



Tell us about your PN The Heart of Heatherton Hall.

When Support for Learning Assistant, Polly, learns that the village school where she works part-time is threatened with closure, as a fall-back, she takes a part-time waitressing job at Heatherton Hall a short walk from the village. The Hall is renowned for its gardens and tea-room, and was apparently once a hive of industry. Polly soon discovers its decline is down to the manager whose questionable practices seem to go unchallenged. Polly is determined to put things right, especially now that she’s friendly with the elderly couple who own the Hall, and who have strong links with the school. With the support of handsome gardener, Steve, she cooks up a plan.


Anne’s Pocket Novel goes on sale this Thursday.


Have you always enjoyed writing fiction?

I’ve always enjoyed writing, particularly travel logs, but I came late to writing fiction. I joined Perthshire Writers fifteen years ago and with their support started to learn the craft of writing fiction. It’s been, and still is, an enjoyable journey.


What made you decide to try writing a PN?

I’ve written several short stories and several serials for “The People’s Friend”. The longer length of the pocket novel appealed to me without being too daunting. I knew that if I got stuck there would be plenty of support from “The Friend” if I needed it and that gave me the confidence to give it a go. Soon after I joined Perthshire Writers I started writing stories for club nights and club competitions, but it took a couple of years before I felt brave enough to send any off.


Who are some of your favourite authors?

I love Maeve Binchy’s style of writing. I’ve read all her books, some of them twice. Santa Montefiore is another favourite, as are Jill Mansell, Katie Fford and Jenny Colgan.


What are your future writing plans?

I really enjoy writing short stories, serials, and now pocket novels, so I’d like to continue doing that. I also aim to keep honing my writing skills. 

Thank you, Anne!


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