We talk to “The People’s Friend” Poet Of the Week, Pamela Blood, whose poem, “Pottering About” is in “The Friendship Book”.
Tell us about your poem “Pottering About”.
I love to have a day just pottering about but it is not so easy to find the time to do that. Life can become too busy. So when I came across this poem in my poetry book – I had written it some time ago – I thought it still rang true. I need those days when I can just tune out, forget all the things I “must do” for a while and just find that refreshment of heart and mind. I am delighted to see it in “The Friendship Book”.
How long have I been writing poetry?
Many years now, since I was a young girl.
Where do you get your inspiration?
I “think” in rhyme much of the time. I try to pay attention to what is happening around me. I get a lot of inspiration from reading, poetry or prose. A word or a sentence will stick in my mind and I think about where it might take me if I sit with it for a while. I believe all poetry comes from within, and sometimes it just gushes out, and other times it is much slower and only lets go a word or two at a time.
Favourite poets and poems.
Oh! So many. Here are just a few. Of the modern poets, Mary Oliver “The Summer Day” and “The Journey”. Nikita Gill, “Where Hope Comes From”, and the book with the same title. “The Poetry Pharmacy” books are great, I love anthologies and discovering new poets this way. Earlier poets are Christina Rossetti, “Remember”; Emily Dickinson, “Hope is the Thing With Feathers”; Zora Cross, “Memory”.
What other creative things do you enjoy?
Music is my other passion, I began to teach myself the harp during the long lockdowns in the pandemic (thus the photo).
I discovered “slow stitching” this year, and I also like to machine sew. Between these two activities I have made almost all my Christmas gifts for family and friends this year. I love to crochet and I scrapbook and I journal.
It’s been lovely to hear from you, Pamela.
To read Pamela’s poem, and many others, pick up a copy of “The Friendship Book”.