Poet Of The Week: Adrienne Connor

We find out about Adrienne’s inspiration behind her beautiful poem, “The Cottage Garden” which appears in Special 245 which goes on sale this Wednesday.


Tell us about the inspiration behind your poem “The Cottage Garden”.

I was sitting in my garden one sunny day in lockdown reading Rudyard Kipling’s “The Glory of the Garden”.  I felt instantly inspired to write my own garden tribute and, looking at the plants around me, the words just flowed.



Have you always written poetry?

I’ve always enjoyed writing in general ever since I was a child, but in recent years I’ve concentrated more on poetry.  I love poems with rhythm and rhyme and love to read poetry aloud.




What are your favourite subjects to write about?

I am definitely inspired by nature; it’s hard not to look at a field of wild flowers say, or a beautiful garden border, and not be moved on some creative level.  I love the idea that you can paint a picture with words.




Who are some of your favourite poets?

Kipling, obviously; he was such a prolific writer, and I also love Coleridge and Walter de la Mare.


Thank you, Adrienne!


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