Why Hasn’t My Story Been Published Yet?

You’ve received an email to let you know that your story has been successful. So why hasn’t it been published yet? Here are some of the possible reasons why.

We’re Still Sorting Out Your Contract

Following a first successful submission, our Admin Team will send a contract for you to read and return. Our Finance Team will then get in contact to arrange payment.

While all this is happening, your story remains with the Admin Team, as we’re unable to publish your work until the contract and payment side of things have been finalised.

Your Story Is With An Illustrator

Once your story has been purchased, we look at how best to illustrate it. We either choose an image from a picture agency; use an illustration which has previously appeared in the “Friend”; or send a brief to one of our team of illustrators. If we go for the last option, this can take time, as illustrators are freelance and have other deadlines to consider.

It’s A Popular Length

We work to set story lengths here in the “Friend”, the most common being 1,200, 2,000, and 3,000 words. Sometimes we have a healthy stock of one particular story length – perhaps your story falls into this category.

It Hasn’t Yet Made The Mix

Once a week, Shirley chooses the fiction for the ‘mix’ – the seven stories that will feature in that week’s issue. She tries to include a variety of stories for each issue – a mix of themes and tones, and of contemporary and historical. The seven stories need to fit in with each other, as well as being strong stories in their own right.

It’s Seasonal Or Time-sensitive

If you’ve sent in a seasonal story and it’s yet to be published, it’s most likely being kept for a more appropriate time of year.

Find more great advice and information from the Fiction Team on the Writing Tools page.

Lucy Crichton

Better known as “Fiction Editor Lucy”, I am always on the look-out for the very best short stories, poems and pocket novels. As well as sourcing enjoyable content, I enjoy working with our established contributors, encouraging new talent, and celebrating 155 years of “Friend” fiction!

Why Hasn’t My Story Been Published Yet?

You’ve received an email to let you know that your story has been successful. So why hasn’t it been published yet? Here are some of the possible reasons why.

We’re Still Sorting Out Your Contract

Following a first successful submission, our Admin Team will send a contract for you to read and return. Our Finance Team will then get in contact to arrange payment.

While all this is happening, your story remains with the Admin Team, as we’re unable to publish your work until the contract and payment side of things have been finalised.

Your Story Is With An Illustrator

Once your story has been purchased, we look at how best to illustrate it. We either choose an image from a picture agency; use an illustration which has previously appeared in the “Friend”; or send a brief to one of our team of illustrators. If we go for the last option, this can take time, as illustrators are freelance and have other deadlines to consider.

It’s A Popular Length

We work to set story lengths here in the “Friend”, the most common being 1,200, 2,000, and 3,000 words. Sometimes we have a healthy stock of one particular story length – perhaps your story falls into this category.

It Hasn’t Yet Made The Mix

Once a week, Shirley chooses the fiction for the ‘mix’ – the seven stories that will feature in that week’s issue. She tries to include a variety of stories for each issue – a mix of themes and tones, and of contemporary and historical. The seven stories need to fit in with each other, as well as being strong stories in their own right.

It’s Seasonal Or Time-sensitive

If you’ve sent in a seasonal story and it’s yet to be published, it’s most likely being kept for a more appropriate time of year.

Find more great advice and information from the Fiction Team on the Writing Tools page.


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