We are now into the phase of NaNoWriMo where most of us are frantically typing away in every spare moment we have. Sleep is for the weak.
The countdown is on . . . only nine days left to earn that badge!
But, what happens after we reach that deadline?
Will you devote yourself to the words you have committed to paper? Will you set yourself a new goal, to edit and polish the end result of this year’s word marathon?
I started NaNo this year with every intention of writing a book. Fifty-thousand words, or as close as I can get.
But, while I have really enjoyed getting back into writing and making time for it, I’m not sure longer works of fiction are for me.
They say everyone has one book in them — I’m not sure I do, unless it’s a short one.
The badge is in sight
For those of you well on your way to 50,000 words — congratulations! It’s quite an achievement.
For the rest of us . . . does this mean we’ve failed?
Hardly! Making the time to be creative isn’t always easy. But, we’ve done it!
Write a serial
If you are looking for the next project, you could consider writing for the “Friend”.
We accept unsolicited MS of short fiction. Stories range in length from 1000-3000 words, and we cover a wide variety of genres.
Lucy from the Fiction team posted a piece yesterday saying we are looking for new serials.
We are specifically looking for stories with a contemporary feel, but our readers also enjoy historical fiction.
Each serial instalment is 5,000 words in length, and serials must have a minimum of three parts.
Lucy is looking for serials from 3-10 parts in total. If you are new to writing a serial, Lucy has advised that it’s best to start with a shorter one with 3-4 parts.
So, send in a synopsis and the first three instalments. You can read our full submission guidelines for short fiction and serials here.
And there’s plenty of writing advice on our website, including this article with some very helpful information on writing a serial.
Get to know the “Friend”
If you want to write for any publication, it is good practice to read several issues in advance.
Get a feel for the style and content of the fiction. Look at the range of genres and storylines we have published recently.
Remember we work well in advance, so bear this in mind if you are writing something with a seasonal flavour.
To save on cost, why not buy a subscription to the “Friend” and get to know us well before submitting?
Meantime – good luck with the last stretch of NaNoWriMo.
May the words be ever in your favour!
For more information on NaNoWriMo, click here.