Talking Through Our New Submission Guidelines

Shutterstock / Tashatuvango © submission guidelines

Recently, Editor Angela and Fiction Ed Lucy got together for a Facebook Live broadcast all about our new fiction submission guidelines for unpublished authors.

It was a fun and interesting chat It gave both the chance to not only explain the process, but to explain the reasons behind it, and to answer some questions from the audience.

We thought it was so good, we decided to share it with you here in case you missed it!

Click below to listen.


We hope that cleared up any questions you might have.

For more information, you can find our new submission guidelines by clicking here.

Fiction Ed Lucy has also addressed some questions about the new process in her blog here.

The “Friend” Facebook Live

“The People’s Friend” team hosts a Facebook Live broadcast every Friday morning at 11 a.m.

The topics of discussion vary widely, ranging from our new guidelines and the contents of our latest weekly issues and Specials to books, films or recent events — anything that takes our fancy, really!

It’s a great chance for us to get to talk to our readers and social media fans directly. Sadly that isn’t something we’re often able to do — especially not at the moment.

We normally post that day’s topic of conversation on our Facebook page around 10 a.m., to let people know what’s happening. That way those who want to join in know what’s coming — and can get their questions ready in advance!

We’d love for more of you to join us. So if you find yourself with a spare 15-20 mins this Friday, do come along!

For more from the “Friend” team, read our blog here.

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Iain McDonald

I am the Digital Content Editor at the “Friend”, making me responsible for managing the flow of interesting and entertaining content on the magazine’s website and social media channels.

Talking Through Our New Submission Guidelines

Shutterstock / Tashatuvango © submission guidelines

Recently, Editor Angela and Fiction Ed Lucy got together for a Facebook Live broadcast all about our new fiction submission guidelines for unpublished authors.

It was a fun and interesting chat It gave both the chance to not only explain the process, but to explain the reasons behind it, and to answer some questions from the audience.

We thought it was so good, we decided to share it with you here in case you missed it!

Click below to listen.


We hope that cleared up any questions you might have.

For more information, you can find our new submission guidelines by clicking here.

Fiction Ed Lucy has also addressed some questions about the new process in her blog here.

The “Friend” Facebook Live

“The People’s Friend” team hosts a Facebook Live broadcast every Friday morning at 11 a.m.

The topics of discussion vary widely, ranging from our new guidelines and the contents of our latest weekly issues and Specials to books, films or recent events — anything that takes our fancy, really!

It’s a great chance for us to get to talk to our readers and social media fans directly. Sadly that isn’t something we’re often able to do — especially not at the moment.

We normally post that day’s topic of conversation on our Facebook page around 10 a.m., to let people know what’s happening. That way those who want to join in know what’s coming — and can get their questions ready in advance!

We’d love for more of you to join us. So if you find yourself with a spare 15-20 mins this Friday, do come along!

For more from the “Friend” team, read our blog here.

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Tablet with 'Update' written on it; cup of tea; and Post-it notes. Submissions

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