Story Starter: Rooms To Let

Rooms To Let

This week’s Story Starter is a nice example of contrast: the old, traditional Rooms To Let of Kyriakos, with the modern apartments and studios next door complete with double glazing and free WiFi. The names of the accommodation give it away that we’re in Greece somewhere.

Is the focus of your story that contrast? A clash of old and new? A clash of cultures, almost? Or is it simply a story about getting away from it all? Escape? A sunshine break? A new life?

It’s over to you to make of it what you will….

Now, other news. I have this afternoon finished reading all of the July submissions. Yay! This will mean different things to different people, depending on whose writer you are.

If it was a usm, one of the team read your story and you’ve either had it back – sorry, better luck next time – or they passed it on to me for a second opinion.

If you write to one of the team, see above. You’ll have heard unless it was passed on to me.

If you write to me, I’ve just got to the bottom of that pile – bar two envelopes from writers who I know don’t follow this blog. But I will read them today. I’m determined.

And those July stories that have been passed to me, and I’m interested in? [Or more accurately that I think our readers will really enjoy, because it’s all about them, when you get down to it.] Those stores are now in the last stage of appraisal, sitting with Ed Angela for the final seal of approval.

The exception to all of this is that I have a stash of promising 1200-word stories in my drawer waiting, as I may have mentioned in passing here and there, for it to be the right time to buy. And if your story was season specific, it may be waiting for that season to come round. But again, in all of these cases the stories have been read. So room for optimism.

Phew. Next week: August. While producing the Christmas bumper issue….It’s very confusing. Escaping to those Rooms To Let is suddenly very appealing….

Shirley Blair

Fiction Ed Shirley’s been with the “Friend” since 2007 and calls it her dream job because she gets to read fiction all day every day. Hobbies? Well, that would be reading! She also enjoys writing fiction when she has time, long walks, travel, and watching Scandi thrillers on TV.

Story Starter: Rooms To Let

Rooms To Let

This week’s Story Starter is a nice example of contrast: the old, traditional Rooms To Let of Kyriakos, with the modern apartments and studios next door complete with double glazing and free WiFi. The names of the accommodation give it away that we’re in Greece somewhere.

Is the focus of your story that contrast? A clash of old and new? A clash of cultures, almost? Or is it simply a story about getting away from it all? Escape? A sunshine break? A new life?

It’s over to you to make of it what you will….

Now, other news. I have this afternoon finished reading all of the July submissions. Yay! This will mean different things to different people, depending on whose writer you are.

If it was a usm, one of the team read your story and you’ve either had it back – sorry, better luck next time – or they passed it on to me for a second opinion.

If you write to one of the team, see above. You’ll have heard unless it was passed on to me.

If you write to me, I’ve just got to the bottom of that pile – bar two envelopes from writers who I know don’t follow this blog. But I will read them today. I’m determined.

And those July stories that have been passed to me, and I’m interested in? [Or more accurately that I think our readers will really enjoy, because it’s all about them, when you get down to it.] Those stores are now in the last stage of appraisal, sitting with Ed Angela for the final seal of approval.

The exception to all of this is that I have a stash of promising 1200-word stories in my drawer waiting, as I may have mentioned in passing here and there, for it to be the right time to buy. And if your story was season specific, it may be waiting for that season to come round. But again, in all of these cases the stories have been read. So room for optimism.

Phew. Next week: August. While producing the Christmas bumper issue….It’s very confusing. Escaping to those Rooms To Let is suddenly very appealing….


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