Our Latest Fiction Guidelines

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If you’ve always wanted to try your hand at fiction writing, then why not let this be your year? Our new fiction guidelines highlight the opportunities available, and what you should do if you want to write for “The Friend”.

The Home of Great Reading roundelLast year “The People’s Friend” published an incredible 769 pieces of fiction! That’s seven brand-new stories in every weekly issue, 20 in each Special, 25 in our little annual and nine in our “Magic Of Christmas” bookazine.

Here’s a few pointers, but please read the full guidelines below before submitting any work.

Short story submissions

We’re looking for stories with a range of themes, tones and genres. The best way to get a feel for our stories is to read the magazine regularly. Our preferred genres include romance, mystery, cosy crime, family and stories from a young person’s point of view. We can accept word counts of 1000, 1200, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, and 4000 words, though we occasionally print 10,000 word long reads in our “Specials”.

Stories should reflect modern life whilst bearing in mind “The People’s Friend” heritage and values. Aim for a “feel-good” tone with engaging characters.

Your submissions must be new and exclusive – please don’t send in stories that have been published before.

Pocket novel submissions

We publish two pocket novels a month with a word count of 38,000. The genres covered are similar to our short story requirements, with historical or contemporary settings. If you are including seasonal themes in your story (e.g. Christmas, Easter), remember to send them in at least six months before intended publication.

Poetry submissions

We publish poetry twice a month in “The Friend”. Aim for 12 to 16 lines, though we can be more flexible in length for poetry for our Annual.

Fiction writing tips

Join us for our Writing Hour on X (formerly Twitter) every Tuesday at 11am – it provides a supportive space for authors.

Our Fiction team regularly add writing tips and prompts online, so keep checking our website for the most up-to-date content. Here’s a selection to get you started.

Our New Guidelines & Submission Details In Full

Short stories


Settings can be contemporary or historical, based in the UK or anywhere around the world.


The genres we accept are general, romance (young or mature), mystery, cosy crime, family, junior (from a young person’s point of view), and very occasionally, spooky – although we can’t have any direct contact with the supernatural.

Word counts

Word counts should be within 10% either way of 1000, 1200, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, and 4000 words.

We also print one 10,000-word Long Read in every second Special.

We don’t use ‘flash fiction’ or stories of less than 1000 words.

Short story payment

Payment for short stories begins at £80 for the first six stories, rising to £95 on a seventh acceptance. Payment rises to our top rate of £110 on a further seventh acceptance. Payment is on acceptance.


Copyright always remains with you.

What we are looking for

Only new, unpublished stories are accepted for consideration – please don’t send in a story that’s been published before.

The best way to get a feel for the stories we accept is to read the magazine regularly, and write for the readers.

“People’s Friend” stories should feature engaging characters who will appeal to our readers. Appropriate language and tone is essential. Stories should reflect modern life whilst bearing in mind “Friend” heritage and values. A “feel-good” tone is welcome.

Stories with a challenging theme are welcome, providing a “Friend” tone is present throughout, and it has a positive, upbeat conclusion.

Where to send your submission

Email address for new authors is friendfiction@dcthomson.co.uk.

What to include with your story

Please include your name, pen name if appropriate, address, email address and a contact telephone number on the first page of your submission.

No formatting required – so no headers, footers or page numbers, please, and no duplication of information.


Every weekly issue of the “Friend” features two serial instalments – one with a contemporary setting, the other historical.

Number of instalments

Serials usually run from between three to eight instalments, but we can feature two-part serials, and longer-length serials are also welcome.


Each serial features two or three main characters, through whose viewpoints the story is told.

Our main character is nearly always female, and only rarely a child.

We recommend that only authors who’ve had stories published in the “Friend” attempt a serial.

What should you send?

Send a brief synopsis plus character list in the first instance to your assigned editor.

Payment for serials

Payment is £150 per instalment.

Before trying a serial, we recommend that you read some of our already-published serials. “Friend” serials are not longer-length stories, they have a set structure to reflect the viewpoints of the main characters. For more information, please contact your assigned editor.

Pocket Novels

We publish two “People’s Friend” pocket novels every month.

Pocket novel word counts

Word counts should be within 10% either way of 38,000 words.

Pocket novel genres

Genres we accept include romance (any age range), general, family, cosy crime, mystery, and occasionally, spooky.

Seasonal pocket novels

Pocket Novels written for a particular season – e.g., Christmas, Easter – are welcome. Please send seasonal story synopses at least six months prior to the intended date of publication.

Pocket novel tone and content

Tone and content must mirror the weekly magazine.

Pocket novel settings

Timeframes can be historical or contemporary and the stories can be set anywhere in the world.

Payment for pocket novels

Payment is a flat fee of £300.

What should you send?

Please send the first three chapters plus a synopsis to tsteel@dcthomson.co.uk.

Please do not send a complete novel.

Pocket novel copyright

We retain the right to first publication, but once your pocket novel has been published, you’re free to sell it on, and copyright always remains yours.


We publish poetry in the weekly magazine, in the first and third issue of every month.

Poetry also appears in our Specials, on sale every three weeks.

Poem requirements

Poems should rhyme and scan. Suitable topics include family, friendship, faith, and fun. Seasonal poetry is welcome.

Our most frequently used poetry lengths are 12 and 16 lines.

We accept poetry for our Annual, and for the publication it can be slightly more flexible on length, with anything from eight to 20 lines being considered.

Poetry in our Friendship Book is set to a template.

Poem payments

Poems are paid at a flat rate of £15.

Poetry from published ‘Friend’ poets should be sent to tsteel@dcthomson.co.uk.

Download a copy of our guidelines

“The People’s Friend” Latest Fiction Guidelines


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