Handy Writing Habits

Shutterstock / DeeaF © handy writing habits

Planning to submit fiction to “The People’s Friend” in 2022? Then it’s time to develop these handy writing habits!

Once you’re doing these little things as a matter of course, you’ll find the transition from writing to editing is much, much smoother.

File name

In order, the file name should contain:

This helps us prioritise stories so the right ones are being read at the right time.


Quite simply – don’t rush them.

We advise writers to take their time with rewrites, especially when it involves intricate sections of plot.

We love enthusiasm, but we equally love attention to detail.

When submitting rewrites, carefully go over the edited sections of text so you are not only happy with the changes, but you have adhered to editorial feedback.

Highlight changes

Whether it’s a substantial rewrite, or just a couple of lines, it’s beneficial to highlight relevant changes.

This is particularly useful for Pocket Novels and serials due to the high word count.

Title page

Not only will this page have the story title on it, it will contain the writer’s name and pen name if any.

Word count is often included on this page, but some writers prefer to add this at the end of the story.

Both ways are perfectly suitable as long as the number is accurate.


The rule here is – don’t use it.

All we require is double spacing between sentences, with no tabs or indentations.

At the beginning of a new paragraph or passage of a story, an extra space between sentences will suffice.


Don’t be dismayed by feedback. It’s there to help you and hopefully improve your story.

Don’t see editors as unapproachable or as hard taskmasters. We want you to succeed.

We love nothing more than saying to writers that their stories have been bought.

The Fiction team are proud to be part of your “Friend” writing journey.

For more handy writing advice from “The People’s Friend”, click here.

Alan Spink

I am a member of the “Friend” Fiction Team. I enjoy working closely with writers and being part of the creative process, which sees storytelling ideas come to fruition. A keen reader, I also write fiction and enjoy watching football and movies in my spare time. My one tip to new writers is “write from your imagination”.

Handy Writing Habits

Shutterstock / DeeaF © handy writing habits

Planning to submit fiction to “The People’s Friend” in 2022? Then it’s time to develop these handy writing habits!

Once you’re doing these little things as a matter of course, you’ll find the transition from writing to editing is much, much smoother.

File name

In order, the file name should contain:

This helps us prioritise stories so the right ones are being read at the right time.


Quite simply – don’t rush them.

We advise writers to take their time with rewrites, especially when it involves intricate sections of plot.

We love enthusiasm, but we equally love attention to detail.

When submitting rewrites, carefully go over the edited sections of text so you are not only happy with the changes, but you have adhered to editorial feedback.

Highlight changes

Whether it’s a substantial rewrite, or just a couple of lines, it’s beneficial to highlight relevant changes.

This is particularly useful for Pocket Novels and serials due to the high word count.

Title page

Not only will this page have the story title on it, it will contain the writer’s name and pen name if any.

Word count is often included on this page, but some writers prefer to add this at the end of the story.

Both ways are perfectly suitable as long as the number is accurate.


The rule here is – don’t use it.

All we require is double spacing between sentences, with no tabs or indentations.

At the beginning of a new paragraph or passage of a story, an extra space between sentences will suffice.


Don’t be dismayed by feedback. It’s there to help you and hopefully improve your story.

Don’t see editors as unapproachable or as hard taskmasters. We want you to succeed.

We love nothing more than saying to writers that their stories have been bought.

The Fiction team are proud to be part of your “Friend” writing journey.

For more handy writing advice from “The People’s Friend”, click here.


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