Fiction Ed’s Blog: Good News!

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In this week’s Fiction Ed’s blog, we’re flagging up all the positives about writing for “The People’s Friend”!

We’re Still Open To Everyone!

“The People’s Friend” is still open to all short story and fiction writers, published and unpublished,

New authors can send their stories to

We try to include a mix of established and new authors to keep the mix of stories interesting for the readers.

Bringing in new authors also ensures new writers are coming through to replace authors who naturally ‘drop off’ the radar due to retirement, or other commitments.

We Don’t Use AI To Generate Fiction

We don’t use AI to generate stories.

Stories written by humans remain welcome!

Each Author Has A Dedicated Editor

Once you’ve had your first story accepted by “The People’s Friend”, you’ll then have an assigned editor who will be your point of contact from then on.

Updates Appear On Socials

Any updates regarding People’s Friend fiction contributions will appear on our website.

This Fiction Ed’s blog appears on the website every Thursday morning.

Our Writing Hour is on Twitter/X, every Tuesday morning at 11am. Everyone is welcome!

From Sept 23 issue, we’ll post details of each issue’s stories on Twitter, rather than on the website.

We Need More Stories Than Ever

“The People’s Friend” remains the biggest publisher of women’s short story fiction in the UK.

We publish over 750 stories every year, in our weekly, Special, Annual, and ‘Magic Of Christmas’ Bookazine.

We Pay On Acceptance

Payment is on acceptance, not publication.

When your story is bought, we arrange payment straight away.

And Finally – Copyright

When you sell a story to “The People’s Friend”, we retain the right to first publication.

Once we’ve published your story, you’re free to sell your story on.

Copyright remains with you at all times.

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Lucy Crichton

Better known as “Fiction Editor Lucy”, I am always on the look-out for the very best short stories, poems and pocket novels. As well as sourcing enjoyable content, I enjoy working with our established contributors, encouraging new talent, and celebrating 155 years of “Friend” fiction!

Fiction Ed’s Blog: Good News!

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In this week’s Fiction Ed’s blog, we’re flagging up all the positives about writing for “The People’s Friend”!

We’re Still Open To Everyone!

“The People’s Friend” is still open to all short story and fiction writers, published and unpublished,

New authors can send their stories to

We try to include a mix of established and new authors to keep the mix of stories interesting for the readers.

Bringing in new authors also ensures new writers are coming through to replace authors who naturally ‘drop off’ the radar due to retirement, or other commitments.

We Don’t Use AI To Generate Fiction

We don’t use AI to generate stories.

Stories written by humans remain welcome!

Each Author Has A Dedicated Editor

Once you’ve had your first story accepted by “The People’s Friend”, you’ll then have an assigned editor who will be your point of contact from then on.

Updates Appear On Socials

Any updates regarding People’s Friend fiction contributions will appear on our website.

This Fiction Ed’s blog appears on the website every Thursday morning.

Our Writing Hour is on Twitter/X, every Tuesday morning at 11am. Everyone is welcome!

From Sept 23 issue, we’ll post details of each issue’s stories on Twitter, rather than on the website.

We Need More Stories Than Ever

“The People’s Friend” remains the biggest publisher of women’s short story fiction in the UK.

We publish over 750 stories every year, in our weekly, Special, Annual, and ‘Magic Of Christmas’ Bookazine.

We Pay On Acceptance

Payment is on acceptance, not publication.

When your story is bought, we arrange payment straight away.

And Finally – Copyright

When you sell a story to “The People’s Friend”, we retain the right to first publication.

Once we’ve published your story, you’re free to sell your story on.

Copyright remains with you at all times.

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