Fiction Ed’s Blog: Fiction Submissions

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Hello and welcome to this week’s Fiction Editor’s Blog.

The Fiction Editor’s Blog

If you’re new to the blog, I’m Fiction Editor Lucy, and I post here every week with information for “Friend” writers and readers.

Posts are now going up on a Thursday, so please join me then.

This week, I’m going to answer some of your questions around fiction submissions to “The People’s Friend”.

“Do you still accept manuscripts through the post?”

No – although we do still occasionally receive posted submissions.

Published “Friend” authors can email stories to their assigned editor.

Unpublished “Friend” authors, please use our dedicated email address.

“Do you still ask for double-line spacing? Should I separate paragraphs or have just one continuous block of text?”

Double-line spacing is helpful, as is separating paragraphs.

Don’t worry too much about how your story is presented; the main thing is that it’s easy to read.

As long as it’s in a clear, legible font and at least 12point please, our Production Team can work with it!

“What stories are you looking for right now?”

For our weekly – stories suitable from June onwards, please.

For our Specials – stories suitable from August onwards.

For “The Magic Of Christmas” – 1000, 2000 and 3000-word Christmas stories with a contemporary feel.

“Why haven’t you read my story yet?”

We read what’s most-needed, first – 2000 and 3000-word stories with a contemporary setting..

If your story is a length we use fewer of – eg 4000 or 1200 words – or with a seasonal setting, it will take longer to be read.

“Are there any stories you would absolutely never consider?”

Yes. In terms of story length, we don’t feature stories under 1000 or over 4000 words, except for our Long Reads.

In terms of content – sci-fi is out, as is anything contentious, overly intimate, sweary, scary, or violent.

Think about what would appeal to our reader.

Best of luck!

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Lucy Crichton

Better known as “Fiction Editor Lucy”, I am always on the look-out for the very best short stories, poems and pocket novels. As well as sourcing enjoyable content, I enjoy working with our established contributors, encouraging new talent, and celebrating 155 years of “Friend” fiction!

Fiction Ed’s Blog: Fiction Submissions

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Hello and welcome to this week’s Fiction Editor’s Blog.

The Fiction Editor’s Blog

If you’re new to the blog, I’m Fiction Editor Lucy, and I post here every week with information for “Friend” writers and readers.

Posts are now going up on a Thursday, so please join me then.

This week, I’m going to answer some of your questions around fiction submissions to “The People’s Friend”.

“Do you still accept manuscripts through the post?”

No – although we do still occasionally receive posted submissions.

Published “Friend” authors can email stories to their assigned editor.

Unpublished “Friend” authors, please use our dedicated email address.

“Do you still ask for double-line spacing? Should I separate paragraphs or have just one continuous block of text?”

Double-line spacing is helpful, as is separating paragraphs.

Don’t worry too much about how your story is presented; the main thing is that it’s easy to read.

As long as it’s in a clear, legible font and at least 12point please, our Production Team can work with it!

“What stories are you looking for right now?”

For our weekly – stories suitable from June onwards, please.

For our Specials – stories suitable from August onwards.

For “The Magic Of Christmas” – 1000, 2000 and 3000-word Christmas stories with a contemporary feel.

“Why haven’t you read my story yet?”

We read what’s most-needed, first – 2000 and 3000-word stories with a contemporary setting..

If your story is a length we use fewer of – eg 4000 or 1200 words – or with a seasonal setting, it will take longer to be read.

“Are there any stories you would absolutely never consider?”

Yes. In terms of story length, we don’t feature stories under 1000 or over 4000 words, except for our Long Reads.

In terms of content – sci-fi is out, as is anything contentious, overly intimate, sweary, scary, or violent.

Think about what would appeal to our reader.

Best of luck!

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