AI And “The People’s Friend”

Shutterstock / Rob Hyrons © A robot on a laptop and a man on a laptop for AI and The People's Friend

In the past year or so, we’ve all become more aware of technology which uses Artificial Intelligence, or AI, but how will this technology affect contributors and readers of “The People’s Friend”?

What is AI?

Broadly speaking, AI means computer systems have an inbuilt level of ‘intelligence’, allowing them to perform tasks traditionally undertaken by humans.

A good example would be the technology that facilitates autonomous (self-driving) vehicles.

How Is AI Used In Publishing?

Tools powered by AI can already proofread and edit text.

They can now also compose text.

Can AI Write Stories?

So, could AI come up with a publishable “Friend” story?

The answer is – not yet.

I’ve been able to spot AI-generated stories so far, partly because they lack real emotion or depth, partly because they’re too ‘tidy’ (with no ‘human errors’).

But there’s no doubt that the technology is moving apace – the difference between now and even six months ago is astonishing.

Is The “Friend” Using AI In Its Fiction?

The answer as of this moment, is no.

We’re not currently using AI to proofread, edit, or write our short stories, serials, poetry, or any other fiction content.

AI And Artwork

One area where we have embraced AI technology is in our artwork.

Regular readers will know that our artwork is partly brand-new, commissioned, bespoke illustrations; partly taken from our artwork archive; and partly taken from picture libraries.

This is to give readers a mix of visuals to enjoy.

Some of our picture library artwork is now generated by AI.

Stories we illustrate from a picture library (usually shorter stories) wouldn’t have been sent out to illustrators previously, so at present there’s no change for contributors.

Changes Ahead

There’s no doubt that the AI tools mean profound changes ahead, in publishing.

For now, as far as the “Friend” is concerned, we’re written, proofread, edited, designed, and read, by humans.

Read our new fiction guidelines along with some writing tips.

Lucy Crichton

Better known as “Fiction Editor Lucy”, I am always on the look-out for the very best short stories, poems and pocket novels. As well as sourcing enjoyable content, I enjoy working with our established contributors, encouraging new talent, and celebrating 155 years of “Friend” fiction!

AI And “The People’s Friend”

Shutterstock / Rob Hyrons © A robot on a laptop and a man on a laptop for AI and The People's Friend

In the past year or so, we’ve all become more aware of technology which uses Artificial Intelligence, or AI, but how will this technology affect contributors and readers of “The People’s Friend”?

What is AI?

Broadly speaking, AI means computer systems have an inbuilt level of ‘intelligence’, allowing them to perform tasks traditionally undertaken by humans.

A good example would be the technology that facilitates autonomous (self-driving) vehicles.

How Is AI Used In Publishing?

Tools powered by AI can already proofread and edit text.

They can now also compose text.

Can AI Write Stories?

So, could AI come up with a publishable “Friend” story?

The answer is – not yet.

I’ve been able to spot AI-generated stories so far, partly because they lack real emotion or depth, partly because they’re too ‘tidy’ (with no ‘human errors’).

But there’s no doubt that the technology is moving apace – the difference between now and even six months ago is astonishing.

Is The “Friend” Using AI In Its Fiction?

The answer as of this moment, is no.

We’re not currently using AI to proofread, edit, or write our short stories, serials, poetry, or any other fiction content.

AI And Artwork

One area where we have embraced AI technology is in our artwork.

Regular readers will know that our artwork is partly brand-new, commissioned, bespoke illustrations; partly taken from our artwork archive; and partly taken from picture libraries.

This is to give readers a mix of visuals to enjoy.

Some of our picture library artwork is now generated by AI.

Stories we illustrate from a picture library (usually shorter stories) wouldn’t have been sent out to illustrators previously, so at present there’s no change for contributors.

Changes Ahead

There’s no doubt that the AI tools mean profound changes ahead, in publishing.

For now, as far as the “Friend” is concerned, we’re written, proofread, edited, designed, and read, by humans.

Read our new fiction guidelines along with some writing tips.


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