The People’s Friend Team Christmas Traditions

Shutterstock © A living room decorated for Christmas with tree, stocking, presents, garland and wreath

As we prepare for Christmas, The People’s Friend team have been discussing our different Christmas traditions. We thought we’d share them with you!

Jacqueline, Digital Editor

My mum always reads ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas to the little ones in the family, way back to when my eldest sibling was a baby. And my family and I always watch The Muppets Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve at the same time. So I was very thrilled when I saw the feature in the latest issue!

Judey, Production Editor

Call me an old saddo but I sing at the midnight service with the church choir. I’ve been in the choir for 32 years and it’s a part of the celebrations that really makes Christmas what it is for me.

Lucy, Fiction Editor

We put the crib up when we’re putting all our other decorations up, but we don’t add the little Jesus in the manger until Christmas morning. We also still hang stockings, even though everyone is grown-up now!

Lisa, Features Team

My mum, sister and I have a tradition of having a Christmas movie night. Due to Covid and the fact that I was living in Dundee, this was done virtually over the last couple of years. This year, I have moved back home to Glasgow so I’m excited to have an in-person Christmas movie night planned.

Yvonne, Features Team

We usually go to a pantomime on Christmas Eve, ever since my children were old enough to sit and enjoy it. It kept them occupied for a few hours as the excitement to Santa’s visit drew close. It’s still a real family affair, with grandparents often coming, too.

Kirsty, Production Team

About six years ago my family started doing a Secret Santa. This year the theme was “something £15 or less from a charity shop”. My brother and I also ended up with a separate traditions of buying each other the most heinous, ugly jumpers we could find, until I gave him one that was so ugly he was allergic to it and broke out in a rash. My mum said we weren’t allowed to exchange jumpers after that.

Beth, Production Team

On Christmas Eve we watch The Muppets Christmas Carol. We wear new jammies as an early Christmas present so we are all ready for Santa coming! Then on Christmas Day my sister usually makes her own panettones which are very delicious and we have them with fresh orange juice before opening our presents. Although we need to be careful with any presents that might have food in them – our dog, Zeb, has a track record of thinking any tasty presents are for him, instead . . .

Read how the “Friend” team celebrated Christmas in the office before the holidays!

Jacqueline Munro

I am the Digital Content Editor at "The People's Friend", looking after our website, social media channels and podcast.

The People’s Friend Team Christmas Traditions

Shutterstock © A living room decorated for Christmas with tree, stocking, presents, garland and wreath

As we prepare for Christmas, The People’s Friend team have been discussing our different Christmas traditions. We thought we’d share them with you!

Jacqueline, Digital Editor

My mum always reads ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas to the little ones in the family, way back to when my eldest sibling was a baby. And my family and I always watch The Muppets Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve at the same time. So I was very thrilled when I saw the feature in the latest issue!

Judey, Production Editor

Call me an old saddo but I sing at the midnight service with the church choir. I’ve been in the choir for 32 years and it’s a part of the celebrations that really makes Christmas what it is for me.

Lucy, Fiction Editor

We put the crib up when we’re putting all our other decorations up, but we don’t add the little Jesus in the manger until Christmas morning. We also still hang stockings, even though everyone is grown-up now!

Lisa, Features Team

My mum, sister and I have a tradition of having a Christmas movie night. Due to Covid and the fact that I was living in Dundee, this was done virtually over the last couple of years. This year, I have moved back home to Glasgow so I’m excited to have an in-person Christmas movie night planned.

Yvonne, Features Team

We usually go to a pantomime on Christmas Eve, ever since my children were old enough to sit and enjoy it. It kept them occupied for a few hours as the excitement to Santa’s visit drew close. It’s still a real family affair, with grandparents often coming, too.

Kirsty, Production Team

About six years ago my family started doing a Secret Santa. This year the theme was “something £15 or less from a charity shop”. My brother and I also ended up with a separate traditions of buying each other the most heinous, ugly jumpers we could find, until I gave him one that was so ugly he was allergic to it and broke out in a rash. My mum said we weren’t allowed to exchange jumpers after that.

Beth, Production Team

On Christmas Eve we watch The Muppets Christmas Carol. We wear new jammies as an early Christmas present so we are all ready for Santa coming! Then on Christmas Day my sister usually makes her own panettones which are very delicious and we have them with fresh orange juice before opening our presents. Although we need to be careful with any presents that might have food in them – our dog, Zeb, has a track record of thinking any tasty presents are for him, instead . . .

Read how the “Friend” team celebrated Christmas in the office before the holidays!


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