Editor’s Diary: Vinyl Revival

Woman's hand browsing through boxes of vinyl records

In this week’s Editor’s Diary, it’s a case of what goes around comes around!

It really is true that if you wait long enough, everything comes back into fashion eventually. And that was demonstrated once more on a trip to Edinburgh at the weekend.

Mr PF Ed and I visited the city for a very specific reason. We have an old and unusual clock that once belonged to my grandparents. But it hasn’t worked for years.

Recent attempts to have it repaired locally came to nothing. It needs specialist attention. And, we were told, only one jeweller — on Edinburgh’s George Street — would be able to help.

Well, I’m always happy to have an excuse to visit my favourite city! So, with trains affected by strike action, we jumped in the car on Saturday morning and headed off.

I’m sure I’ll come back to the story of the clock in a future Editor’s Diary. But for now, there’s nothing to tell. It is safely in the hands of the experts who will hopefully bring it back to life.

A treasure trove

Clock handed over, we enjoyed a delicious tapas lunch, then went for a browse in the shops.

Now Fopp has been a Rose Street institution for years. It’s long been a treasure trove for fans of old-fashioned things such as DVDs, CDs and books. It’s a place to pick up rare and forgotten gems.

Mr PF Ed, a lover of obscure music, could spend hours there.

But, not having visited for a few years, we were in for a surprise.

The whole ground floor is now a temple to vinyl! It’s crammed with racks and racks of good old records — most of them with eye-watering price tags! It was like stepping back in time to our youth. Except more expensive!

And most surprising of all was the sight of very young people enthusiastically buying LPS.

I actually found it all very heartening. Perhaps those doomsayers who predicted the demise of entertainment in all its physical forms — including print magazines — were wrong? I certainly hope so.

Read Angela’s previous Editor’s Diary entries

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: Vinyl Revival

Woman's hand browsing through boxes of vinyl records

In this week’s Editor’s Diary, it’s a case of what goes around comes around!

It really is true that if you wait long enough, everything comes back into fashion eventually. And that was demonstrated once more on a trip to Edinburgh at the weekend.

Mr PF Ed and I visited the city for a very specific reason. We have an old and unusual clock that once belonged to my grandparents. But it hasn’t worked for years.

Recent attempts to have it repaired locally came to nothing. It needs specialist attention. And, we were told, only one jeweller — on Edinburgh’s George Street — would be able to help.

Well, I’m always happy to have an excuse to visit my favourite city! So, with trains affected by strike action, we jumped in the car on Saturday morning and headed off.

I’m sure I’ll come back to the story of the clock in a future Editor’s Diary. But for now, there’s nothing to tell. It is safely in the hands of the experts who will hopefully bring it back to life.

A treasure trove

Clock handed over, we enjoyed a delicious tapas lunch, then went for a browse in the shops.

Now Fopp has been a Rose Street institution for years. It’s long been a treasure trove for fans of old-fashioned things such as DVDs, CDs and books. It’s a place to pick up rare and forgotten gems.

Mr PF Ed, a lover of obscure music, could spend hours there.

But, not having visited for a few years, we were in for a surprise.

The whole ground floor is now a temple to vinyl! It’s crammed with racks and racks of good old records — most of them with eye-watering price tags! It was like stepping back in time to our youth. Except more expensive!

And most surprising of all was the sight of very young people enthusiastically buying LPS.

I actually found it all very heartening. Perhaps those doomsayers who predicted the demise of entertainment in all its physical forms — including print magazines — were wrong? I certainly hope so.

Read Angela’s previous Editor’s Diary entries


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