Editor’s Diary: The Big “Friend” Book Swap

Shutterstock © Stack of books against a bookshelf backdrop

Regular readers of this Editor’s Diary know that I’m a huge fan of books. And so are lots of other members of the “Friend” team!

In fact, some of us love reading so much that we are enthusiastic members of our company’s Book Club. Six of us from the “Friend”, to be precise.

And though some have embraced reading on tablets, phones and Kindles, we all agree that there’s no substitute for a proper physical book.

Which brings me to an unexpected but very welcome benefit of our Team Tuesdays in the office.

They’ve become the ideal opportunity for book-swapping!

Take this week, for example. I was weighed down by three fat volumes. As well as my laptop and packed lunch!

I was returning “The Marriage Portrait” by Maggie O’Farrell to Tracey. “Hamnet”, by the same author, was my favourite book of last year, so I had high hopes.

And I wasn’t disappointed. I absolutely loved it and would not hesitate to recommend it. It’s a fabulous read.

I was saying just as much as I handed it over, and Yvonne’s ears pricked up. She, too, loved “Hamnet”. Next thing, Tracey was handing “The Marriage Portrait” over and another swap was in progress!

Meantime, I reciprocated the favour with “I Am, I Am, I Am”, also by Maggie O’Farrell, which I’d brought in for Tracey. Maggie is fast becoming one of our favourite authors!

Also in my bag was “The Help” by Kathryn Stocker for Jaclyn. She returned my previous loan, “Once Upon A River” by Diane Setterfield.

And to complete a very successful morning of swapping, I’m going home with “1989” by Val McDermid, also courtesy of Tracey!

I wonder what delights next Tuesday will bring?

Read Angela’s previous Editor’s Diary entries

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: The Big “Friend” Book Swap

Shutterstock © Stack of books against a bookshelf backdrop

Regular readers of this Editor’s Diary know that I’m a huge fan of books. And so are lots of other members of the “Friend” team!

In fact, some of us love reading so much that we are enthusiastic members of our company’s Book Club. Six of us from the “Friend”, to be precise.

And though some have embraced reading on tablets, phones and Kindles, we all agree that there’s no substitute for a proper physical book.

Which brings me to an unexpected but very welcome benefit of our Team Tuesdays in the office.

They’ve become the ideal opportunity for book-swapping!

Take this week, for example. I was weighed down by three fat volumes. As well as my laptop and packed lunch!

I was returning “The Marriage Portrait” by Maggie O’Farrell to Tracey. “Hamnet”, by the same author, was my favourite book of last year, so I had high hopes.

And I wasn’t disappointed. I absolutely loved it and would not hesitate to recommend it. It’s a fabulous read.

I was saying just as much as I handed it over, and Yvonne’s ears pricked up. She, too, loved “Hamnet”. Next thing, Tracey was handing “The Marriage Portrait” over and another swap was in progress!

Meantime, I reciprocated the favour with “I Am, I Am, I Am”, also by Maggie O’Farrell, which I’d brought in for Tracey. Maggie is fast becoming one of our favourite authors!

Also in my bag was “The Help” by Kathryn Stocker for Jaclyn. She returned my previous loan, “Once Upon A River” by Diane Setterfield.

And to complete a very successful morning of swapping, I’m going home with “1989” by Val McDermid, also courtesy of Tracey!

I wonder what delights next Tuesday will bring?

Read Angela’s previous Editor’s Diary entries


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