In this week’s Editor’s Diary, I’m looking for signs of spring!
January always feels such a long month, doesn’t it? With the fun of Christmas and New Year a distant memory, the days short and the weather pretty grim.
It makes me want to hibernate at home with a good book and a cat on my lap.
Which is even more reason to force myself to get out and about every day, regardless of the weather.
So far, I’m doing pretty well with my renewed resolve to take a daily walk.
Every lunchtime that I’m working from home, I pull on my walking shoes and head outdoors.
My regular circuit takes 45 minutes at a brisk pace and has a few steep climbs built in. It’s a circular walk that takes me from my front door out into open countryside and along part of the Fife Coastal Path beside the River Tay.
It gets pretty blustery down at the water! But there’s always something to see.
And this week, look what I found. A clump of snowdrops, bravely flowering in a sheltered spot by the side of the path.
It made me smile to see this first sign of spring.
Of course, once you see one, others follow!
On a particularly bright and sunny day this week, the air was filled with birdsong. And in my garden, the daffodils are just poking through the soil.
Then there’s the daylight! No longer am I starting and finishing work in darkness.
Yes, spring is on its way – bring it on!
Read Angela’s previous Editor’s Diary entries.