Editor’s Diary: Home Improvements

Home office desk with sunshine yellow chair, bright window and house plant

In a recent Editor’s Diary, I wrote about the home improvements being done in my house.

Earlier this year, we had the attic space cleared and floored. What a transformation!

It is now easily accessible and has lighting and a sturdy floor. It’s a great space to store all sorts of stuff. And boy, do we have lots of stuff!

It’s going to be difficult to resist the temptation to hoard loads of junk we just don’t need.

At the moment, however, our lovely new loft space is almost full. But there’s a good reason — and it’s only a temporary state of affairs.

My new office

You see, the attic work is just phase one in a much bigger home improvements plan. And that’s to create a dedicated home office for me.

Now that working from home at least part of the time has become the norm, I really need to get away from the kitchen table.

The small box room upstairs is perfect — in theory. In practice, it has been used as a glorified cupboard for the near 28 years Mr PF Ed and I have lived here.

You can imagine how much rubbish was lurking in its depths after all that time!

But having a new loft space for storage opened up the chance to do something about it.

Nearing completion

And so, over the past few weeks, the box room has been emptied. Lots of stuff has gone to the tip or the charity shop.

Everything else has temporarily been shifted to the attic for safe-keeping.

Now, the walls have been painted a fresh, bright white. The old carpet has gone — and measurements have been taken.

In just over a month’s time, all being well, the work will be complete, and I’ll be sitting in my lovely new office. I can’t wait!

And, of course, the plans include a soft and cosy sleeping spot for my furry friends!

Read Angela’s previous diary entries.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: Home Improvements

Home office desk with sunshine yellow chair, bright window and house plant

In a recent Editor’s Diary, I wrote about the home improvements being done in my house.

Earlier this year, we had the attic space cleared and floored. What a transformation!

It is now easily accessible and has lighting and a sturdy floor. It’s a great space to store all sorts of stuff. And boy, do we have lots of stuff!

It’s going to be difficult to resist the temptation to hoard loads of junk we just don’t need.

At the moment, however, our lovely new loft space is almost full. But there’s a good reason — and it’s only a temporary state of affairs.

My new office

You see, the attic work is just phase one in a much bigger home improvements plan. And that’s to create a dedicated home office for me.

Now that working from home at least part of the time has become the norm, I really need to get away from the kitchen table.

The small box room upstairs is perfect — in theory. In practice, it has been used as a glorified cupboard for the near 28 years Mr PF Ed and I have lived here.

You can imagine how much rubbish was lurking in its depths after all that time!

But having a new loft space for storage opened up the chance to do something about it.

Nearing completion

And so, over the past few weeks, the box room has been emptied. Lots of stuff has gone to the tip or the charity shop.

Everything else has temporarily been shifted to the attic for safe-keeping.

Now, the walls have been painted a fresh, bright white. The old carpet has gone — and measurements have been taken.

In just over a month’s time, all being well, the work will be complete, and I’ll be sitting in my lovely new office. I can’t wait!

And, of course, the plans include a soft and cosy sleeping spot for my furry friends!

Read Angela’s previous diary entries.


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