Editor’s Diary: Feeling Refreshed After Holidaying In The Black Isle

Blue skies view of Chanonry Point lighthouse in the Black Isle, Scotland

As I mentioned in my last Editor’s Diary, I’ve been on holiday in the Black Isle. I had two whole weeks away from work — bliss!

I love my job, but everyone needs a break from time to time. And I think that’s especially true after the last few years. I hadn’t realised just how exhausted I was till I stopped.

A stay in a peaceful and remote cottage on the Black Isle was exactly what I needed. It helped that the weather was great — not always the case in Scotland, even in June!

As you can see from my photo of the lighthouse at Chanonry Point, I enjoyed blue skies and sunshine throughout my trip.

I made full use of  my National Trust for Scotland membership, visiting Culloden, Brodie Castle and Hugh Miller’s Cottage. They were all so interesting I could write a whole Editor’s Diary about each one.

The scenery of the Black Isle is beautiful, and ideal for days out. My highlights were a walk along the sandy beach at Fortrose and a day in the lovely town of Nairn. Where, incidentally, I was delighted to recognise Nairn Old Parish Church!

Regular readers may remember that our much-loved contributor, the Rev. Ian Hamilton, was minister there for many years before he retired.

There’s an abundance of wildlife in the area. From the comfort of the cottage living-room, I could watch a pair of oystercatchers on their nest.

I encountered deer and red squirrels frequently on the single track road to the cottage. Just as well I’m a cautious driver!

There were two big highlights, though. A trip to see the red kites being fed at the RSPB’s Tollie site was fabulous. And so was the dolphin watching boat trip from Cromarty!

I also spent lots of time just sitting in the sun, reading. If you haven’t already discovered All My Mothers by Joanna Glen, I can thoroughly recommend it.

What a fantastic holiday — and no airport queues or train delays to deal with, either!

Read more from “The People’s Friend” editor, Angela.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: Feeling Refreshed After Holidaying In The Black Isle

Blue skies view of Chanonry Point lighthouse in the Black Isle, Scotland

As I mentioned in my last Editor’s Diary, I’ve been on holiday in the Black Isle. I had two whole weeks away from work — bliss!

I love my job, but everyone needs a break from time to time. And I think that’s especially true after the last few years. I hadn’t realised just how exhausted I was till I stopped.

A stay in a peaceful and remote cottage on the Black Isle was exactly what I needed. It helped that the weather was great — not always the case in Scotland, even in June!

As you can see from my photo of the lighthouse at Chanonry Point, I enjoyed blue skies and sunshine throughout my trip.

I made full use of  my National Trust for Scotland membership, visiting Culloden, Brodie Castle and Hugh Miller’s Cottage. They were all so interesting I could write a whole Editor’s Diary about each one.

The scenery of the Black Isle is beautiful, and ideal for days out. My highlights were a walk along the sandy beach at Fortrose and a day in the lovely town of Nairn. Where, incidentally, I was delighted to recognise Nairn Old Parish Church!

Regular readers may remember that our much-loved contributor, the Rev. Ian Hamilton, was minister there for many years before he retired.

There’s an abundance of wildlife in the area. From the comfort of the cottage living-room, I could watch a pair of oystercatchers on their nest.

I encountered deer and red squirrels frequently on the single track road to the cottage. Just as well I’m a cautious driver!

There were two big highlights, though. A trip to see the red kites being fed at the RSPB’s Tollie site was fabulous. And so was the dolphin watching boat trip from Cromarty!

I also spent lots of time just sitting in the sun, reading. If you haven’t already discovered All My Mothers by Joanna Glen, I can thoroughly recommend it.

What a fantastic holiday — and no airport queues or train delays to deal with, either!

Read more from “The People’s Friend” editor, Angela.


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