Editor’s Diary: Courgettes Galore!

courgette vegetables on plate

In this week’s Editor’s Diary, I’m grateful for the gift of vegetables!

Thanks to recent political events, the phrase “ambushed by cake” has entered the public consciousness. Well, at the end of last week, I was ambushed by courgettes!

I’ve written many times before about my daily walks. I love switching off from work and getting out for a breath of fresh air. It sets me up for the afternoon ahead, and it’s great for my fitness, too.

In fact, it’s been one of the positives of the pandemic. Before, I spent every weekday at the office in Dundee. I didn’t have a lot of time to explore my local area.

But working from home changed all that. And not only have I got to know the area better, I’ve met lots more of my neighbours, too.

I have a weekday walking circuit that takes about 45 minutes. Or longer, if I stop to chat too often!

It takes me down the main street, past our local distillery and on to the riverside footpath.

En route, as I leave the town behind, I pass a gorgeous chocolate-box-pretty cottage. The lady who lives there is a keen gardener, and I often exchange hellos with her as I walk by.

Last week, out of the blue, she asked me if I’d like some courgettes!

A Generous Gift

She had a glut, she said, and couldn’t possibly use them all. So she was offering them to passers-by.

How could I refuse? I’m a vegetarian and keen cook, and home-grown vegetables are a treat.

She urged me to take two large courgettes of very different varieties. And it was only then that I realised I was going to have to take them with me on the rest of my walk!

Because it’s a circuit, I wouldn’t be returning this way.

Luckily, I was wearing a hoodie as it was a cool day. And so I stuffed a courgette into each pocket, thanked her profusely and continued on my way.

My pockets, of course, weren’t deep enough to conceal my strange cargo!

I got a few odd looks from passing dog-walkers. And a lot of interest from curious dogs who could smell something edible in my pockets!

But it was all worth it when I sat down to eat the delicious courgette, pea and mint soup I made from those beautiful vegetables!

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: Courgettes Galore!

courgette vegetables on plate

In this week’s Editor’s Diary, I’m grateful for the gift of vegetables!

Thanks to recent political events, the phrase “ambushed by cake” has entered the public consciousness. Well, at the end of last week, I was ambushed by courgettes!

I’ve written many times before about my daily walks. I love switching off from work and getting out for a breath of fresh air. It sets me up for the afternoon ahead, and it’s great for my fitness, too.

In fact, it’s been one of the positives of the pandemic. Before, I spent every weekday at the office in Dundee. I didn’t have a lot of time to explore my local area.

But working from home changed all that. And not only have I got to know the area better, I’ve met lots more of my neighbours, too.

I have a weekday walking circuit that takes about 45 minutes. Or longer, if I stop to chat too often!

It takes me down the main street, past our local distillery and on to the riverside footpath.

En route, as I leave the town behind, I pass a gorgeous chocolate-box-pretty cottage. The lady who lives there is a keen gardener, and I often exchange hellos with her as I walk by.

Last week, out of the blue, she asked me if I’d like some courgettes!

A Generous Gift

She had a glut, she said, and couldn’t possibly use them all. So she was offering them to passers-by.

How could I refuse? I’m a vegetarian and keen cook, and home-grown vegetables are a treat.

She urged me to take two large courgettes of very different varieties. And it was only then that I realised I was going to have to take them with me on the rest of my walk!

Because it’s a circuit, I wouldn’t be returning this way.

Luckily, I was wearing a hoodie as it was a cool day. And so I stuffed a courgette into each pocket, thanked her profusely and continued on my way.

My pockets, of course, weren’t deep enough to conceal my strange cargo!

I got a few odd looks from passing dog-walkers. And a lot of interest from curious dogs who could smell something edible in my pockets!

But it was all worth it when I sat down to eat the delicious courgette, pea and mint soup I made from those beautiful vegetables!


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