Editor’s Diary: A Visit To Polly Pullar’s Farm

The People's Friend Editor, Angela, smiling with deer at Polly Pullar's farm

In this week’s Editor’s Diary, I’m heading north to Highland Perthshire to visit Polly Pullar!

Last Friday, I had a rare day away from my desk. I left the emails, messages and page proofs behind and jumped in the car for the hour-long drive to Aberfeldy.

Much-loved “Friend” nature writer Polly Pullar had invited me to visit her home. She wanted to introduce me to her newest arrivals.

Jacob lambs Annie, Helen and Poppy made me very welcome! (Though that might have had something to do with the digestive biscuits Polly gave me to feed them.)

I’m sure you will soon be reading all about them in the pages of the magazine. They are so cheeky there will be lots of stories to tell!

I also met up again with some of Polly’s other animals.

Collies Molly and Maisie made a great fuss of me. And it was lovely to see Polly’s younger red deer, Cloudy, looking so well. Last time I saw her, she was still a baby.

It was a warm day, and when Polly got the hose out, Cloudy was first in the queue for a cool shower!

Polly Pullar on her farm with a deer

Polly’s older red deer, Ruby, was a bit more aloof and preferred to laze in the shade with her sheep friends.

As we ate lunch, red squirrels raided the nut feeders in the garden. The eggs for our sandwiches came from Polly’s own hens – I made sure to thank them afterwards!

Close up of The People's Friend Editor Angela smiling holding a hen

Photography by Polly Pullar.

With the sun shining, we took the dogs for a walk through a wildflower meadow brimming with bees and butterflies. I had to be careful not to crush wild orchids underfoot. And Polly grabbed hold of Maisie when we spotted a large brown hare close by.

It was an absolutely idyllic day, and I drove home with a huge smile on my face.

Polly lives life exactly as she writes it in her “Friend” column every month. Surrounded by animals and wildlife, and always nurturing nature.

It was a great privilege to spend a day in her world.

Read more from “The People’s Friend” editor, Angela.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: A Visit To Polly Pullar’s Farm

The People's Friend Editor, Angela, smiling with deer at Polly Pullar's farm

In this week’s Editor’s Diary, I’m heading north to Highland Perthshire to visit Polly Pullar!

Last Friday, I had a rare day away from my desk. I left the emails, messages and page proofs behind and jumped in the car for the hour-long drive to Aberfeldy.

Much-loved “Friend” nature writer Polly Pullar had invited me to visit her home. She wanted to introduce me to her newest arrivals.

Jacob lambs Annie, Helen and Poppy made me very welcome! (Though that might have had something to do with the digestive biscuits Polly gave me to feed them.)

I’m sure you will soon be reading all about them in the pages of the magazine. They are so cheeky there will be lots of stories to tell!

I also met up again with some of Polly’s other animals.

Collies Molly and Maisie made a great fuss of me. And it was lovely to see Polly’s younger red deer, Cloudy, looking so well. Last time I saw her, she was still a baby.

It was a warm day, and when Polly got the hose out, Cloudy was first in the queue for a cool shower!

Polly Pullar on her farm with a deer

Polly’s older red deer, Ruby, was a bit more aloof and preferred to laze in the shade with her sheep friends.

As we ate lunch, red squirrels raided the nut feeders in the garden. The eggs for our sandwiches came from Polly’s own hens – I made sure to thank them afterwards!

Close up of The People's Friend Editor Angela smiling holding a hen

Photography by Polly Pullar.

With the sun shining, we took the dogs for a walk through a wildflower meadow brimming with bees and butterflies. I had to be careful not to crush wild orchids underfoot. And Polly grabbed hold of Maisie when we spotted a large brown hare close by.

It was an absolutely idyllic day, and I drove home with a huge smile on my face.

Polly lives life exactly as she writes it in her “Friend” column every month. Surrounded by animals and wildlife, and always nurturing nature.

It was a great privilege to spend a day in her world.

Read more from “The People’s Friend” editor, Angela.


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