The Mystery Of Macgregor’s Cove – Episode 19

Cast of characters dressed in 18th Century clothing stand in front of white cottage

“Our first call will be Quiggin’s, the confectioner.” Penelope consulted the shopping list while she and Kit were driving north. “Mother has asked me to get a tin of Father’s favourite Mabyn taffy as a Christmas treat . . .” 

She broke off, cross at her thoughtlessness. Christmas would be a poignant time for Kit, being so far from family and home. 

Touching her hand to his sleeve, Penelope said as much, but Kit shook his head before returning his attention to the narrow, winding road ahead. 

“It isn’t that.” 

“Then what is it? I don’t wish to pry,” she continued quietly. “Something is weighing upon your mind, Kit. Can’t you tell me?” 

“You’re not prying,” he replied, meeting Penelope’s eyes. “And you’re the only person I can tell . . .” 

She listened while Kit poured out the whole story of finding Marietta’s letters and the carved St Christopher; of arriving in Macgregor’s Cove on the day the yawl sank; of meeting Sandy and his family; of coming to know and care for them. 

“If Sandy were alone, I wouldn’t hesitate asking about Marietta,” he concluded as they jogged along the wintry lanes. “But Sandy has a wife and daughters. I don’t want them hurt on my account.” 

She nodded, understanding the turmoil of emotions Kit was struggling against. 

He looked at her, anguish in his dark eyes. 

“Whatever am I to do, Penny?” 

“You believe Sandy is your father,” she murmured, clasping Kit’s hand within her own. “You owe him the chance to know his only son.” 

*  *  *  * 

Kit and Penelope had had a good day amongst the festive bustle of Castlebridge, and afterwards enjoyed a quiet supper together at Haddonsell Grange. 

Penelope was in Kit’s thoughts while he rode at an unhurried pace from the Grange to the Bell. It was late when he turned into the cobbled yard. 

Everywhere seemed silent. Only Sandy was still up and about, repairing a harness in the lantern’s steady light. 

He turned from his work when Kit led Patch into the stable. Kit thought he looked weary, and very old. He’d never before noticed that about Sandy. 

“Had a nice time at Castlebridge? It’s a grand town,” Sandy began. “Ethel’s left a cold plate in case you’re hungry. 

“The family’s got used to you having supper with us,” he went on, adding a shade awkwardly, “We missed you tonight.” 

Feeling an unexpected rush of affection for his father, words failed Kit. 

Reaching into his pocket, he outstretched his hand towards Sandy. Marietta’s keepsake lay on his palm. 

“I believe this belonged to my mother.” 

Abigail Phillips

Abbie is the newest member of the fiction team at the "Friend." She loves how varied the role is - every day is different and there is always a new story to read. She is keen to work closely with established writers and discover new writers, too.