The Best Of Both Worlds – Episode 35

“Her Ladyship will see you now.” Runciman gestured to the door of the morning room and Emily stepped inside, bewildered by the look on the butler’s face and the urgency of the command.
She longed to see Jenny and to hear about the wedding journey, but since their return both girls had been run off their feet, with hardly a moment to spare.
“Emily.” Lady Farrington sat in her usual chair, and to her surprise Lady Witney was seated next to her, looking as smug as the cat that got the cream.
“Good morning, my lady. And may I say, welcome back, Lady Witney.”
“Lady Farrington has some news for you, Emily!” Thea beamed.
“I’ll come straight to the point,” Lady Farrington said briskly. “ It concerns the journey to America. It has been decided that you will be accompanying us as lady’s maid to Lady Florence and myself.”
Emily took a breath of astonishment. Could she have heard correctly?
“I’m very grateful, my lady, but . . .”
“No buts!” Thea said. “If you are worried about leaving Jenny and your family, you must put it out of your mind. They will be thrilled for you! Before I left I told darling Daddy that you had to see New York, and he’s taken care of everything. And,” she added quietly, “he’ll also make some enquiries on your behalf about that friend of your family.”
“It seems only right that we take along at least one of the household staff,” Lady Farrington interrupted and turned to a stack of letters sitting on the table beside her. “That is all, Emily.”
Emily mumbled her gratitude and then turned to leave, as dazed as the first time she’d come to Farrington House. That day she had tumbled out of her old life and into a new one. Was it now about to be turned upside-down once more?
She thought of her family and tiny Joey, whom she had seen only once. She thought again of Will. For a terrible moment a chill ran through her. But then, from somewhere deep inside, the same memory was awakened that had given her wings once before.
You must never forget that you have something special, my darling girl, something that glows inside you. I hope one day you are given a chance.
Ma had told her that. Now another chance had come. Suddenly her future felt like a mysterious gift waiting to be unwrapped, and her heart leaped with excitement as she hurried to find Jenny.