Mallorcan Magic – Episode 13

Eira was making tea and toast when Helen found her in the kitchen.
“You must have been up early! Did I hear you go out?”
“I didn’t have the best of nights. Sorry if I disturbed you but I fancied a swim. I hoped it’d clear my thoughts.”
“I didn’t sleep much either so I was already awake. I wish I’d joined you, now.
So, did your thoughts clear?
“I think I’d be foolish not to accept Danny’s offer.”
“That doesn’t mean I will accept.” Eira poured two cups of tea.
“I think you’d be making a dramatic change, which might well be a very good thing. By the time you went home again, the dust would have settled.”
“It occurs to me, if I say yes, he’ll probably want me to start work right away.” Eira said.
“Cutting your holiday short.”
“Sue’ll be around for another week or so but I guess Danny would insist on her showing me the ropes before she leaves. I’d need to stay here until then, if that’s all right.”
“You know it is, Eira.”
Eira, determined to be punctual, arrived poolside at five minutes to 11. She spotted Louise’s mop of blonde curls as the little girl splashed in the shallows with her brother, while Sue sat on the pool’s edge, legs dangling in the water. As Eira hovered, the nanny looked round and beckoned.
“Mr Carpenter sends his apologies, Eira. He had to take an important phone call just as we left the apartment. He shouldn’t keep you waiting long.”
Eira waved to the children.
“Thanks, Sue. I expect Mr Carpenter’s told you I’m not a qualified nanny?”
“He’s more interested in personality than in paper qualifications. If he takes a liking to you, he’ll support your decisions and do his best to help you settle into the job. It’s not as if you have to worry about night feeds and nappy changing.” She turned her attention to the children. “Well done, Richard. We’ll soon have you swimming without armbands.”
Sue glanced at Eira.
“I shouldn’t say this but, considering their parents’ break-up and their mum’s lifestyle, they’re lovely kids. Will you accept the job?”
“Is that the real reason why Mr Carpenter’s indoors? So you can convince me to work for him?” She shot a mischievous grin at the nanny.
“No, that’s not his style. Black is black and white is white where he’s concerned.”
That didn’t fit Helen’s hints about shady goings-on. Such a relief!
“You’ve enjoyed working for the family?”
“Yes. Since Kasha decided to go her own way, I’ve sometimes had to take the children to Paris to visit her between jobs, so I’ve got to know her better.”
“Yes, I gathered there may be some travel involved. Do you find Kasha easy to get on with?” Eira knew she probably wouldn’t see much of the jet-setting model, but wondered if this might be an issue.
“Kasha’s always been lovely to me. Her apartment’s something to see, believe me! She has an Arabian Nights theme running through it. But as for boyfriends…” Sue sighed. “She’s a butterfly. Danny used to be, when they first split, but he stays home with the children much more these days.”
“Just one more thing, Sue. I notice you call your boss Mr Carpenter. I think of him as Danny because that’s how he introduced himself.”
Sue nodded.
“Yes, but you met on a social basis. He said your paths first crossed in a café and when he saw you here, obviously staying in an apartment, he felt it could be some kind of sign.”
Eira’s tummy lurched.
“Did he? Is he very superstitious?”
“Not really. Oh, and don’t forget, when I came for my job interview, both he and Kasha were present. They were both strangers to me, except I’d seen loads of pictures of her. Since then, I’ve always addressed them as Mr and Mrs Carpenter. It’s different in your case, so why worry? Mr C won’t have given it a second thought.”
“Thanks. I don’t want to put my foot in it where his private life’s concerned.”
“He and Kasha agreed to an amicable divorce, if there is such a thing. With her lifestyle, it’s lucky he’s around as much as he is.” She became serious. “But whoever is their nanny must realise how important that position is. The children need continuity. If all you’re after is three months in the sunshine, their father won’t be too thrilled when you hand in your notice. I’ve been with the family four years now.”
Eira’s heart skipped a beat. Could she commit herself to that extent?
“Thank you for reminding me, Sue. It’s sad you have to leave, but what a lovely reason.” She closed her mind to her unlucky experience.
Eira almost toppled into the pool when she heard his deep, slightly husky voice.
“My apologies for keeping you waiting, Eira. Shall we take a seat under that magnolia tree?” He smiled at Sue. “When are you fishing the tiddlers out?”
“Any moment now, Mr Carpenter.”
“Maybe they could get changed and when you’re ready, the three of you come to the café? I hope Eira will be joining us for lunch, so keep your fingers crossed, Sue.” He turned to Eira.
“Let’s hear what you’ve decided.”