Darkest Before Dawn Episode 33

All characters from Darkest Before Dawn celebrate the end of the war.

One night that winter there came a furious pounding at the door.

Maud dropped her knitting and looked at Alf.

A knock at the door didn’t mean bad news.

Sometimes someone knocked if Maud was needed to help find accommodation for a homeless family.

By the time she and Alf got into the hall, Sidney and Isobel were already halfway down the stairs.

“Back to bed, the pair of you,” Maud said, but they didn’t move.

As Alf opened the door, his sister, Rose, fell into his arms with a cry of relief.

“What’s happened?” Maud cried as Alf helped her inside.

“I’m so sorry to land on you like this,” Rose said.

“You look worn out,” Maud replied. “Did you bring anything with you?”

She looked outside and saw one small bag on the doorstep.

If Rose was planning to stay, she hadn’t brought much with her.

To be continued…