Darkest Before Dawn Episode 27

John went away again a month later and life returned to what passed for as normal again.
Christmas was quiet, but Alf’s sister Rose managed to join them for a couple of days.
As always, Maud keenly felt Edward’s absence, and thought how he’d have loved to have seen his little boy open his presents.
He’d be amazed how much his little brother had grown up, too.
After a cold and wet start to 1943, by the middle of February the weather had turned mostly dry with some much-needed sunshine.
Maud had just pegged out her washing, making the most of the dry weather and stiff breeze, when there was a knock at the door.
When she answered it she felt as if she’d been hit by a sledgehammer.
Standing outside was a policeman and a man in Army uniform.
This could only mean one thing.
“No!” she cried as her knees buckled and a pain seared through her chest. “No!”
“Maud! No!” the police officer said as he helped her into the house. “I’m not here with bad news.”
“You’re not?” she asked shakily. “You’re not here with news of Edward?”
“No,” the officer replied as he helped her into a chair. “I’m sorry we gave you such a fright.
“I’d like to introduce Captain Janak of the Czech Independent Armoured Brigade.”
Maud felt dizzy. She’d felt sure the pain in her chest was her heart breaking clean in two, but already it was starting to feel better.
Her reaction brought home how the worry was always there, just below the surface.
She’d seen so many people coping with the most terrible losses.
She looked up at the tall, handsome young soldier and smiled wearily.
She had no idea who he was or why the sergeant had brought him to her door.
“Do you know my son, Edward?” she asked.
“I am afraid not,” the captain replied. “I am sorry.”
“We’re here to ask a favour of you,” the officer explained. “The captain and a large number of his men will be stationed here.
“As you know, the town is already full of servicemen.
“When I was asked to help find accommodation, I thought immediately of you, with your sterling work for the WVS.”
“You want to billet soldiers here?” Maud asked. “In my little house?”
She looked again at the captain.
What if Edward were in this situation, needing lodgings? She’d hope that someone would take him in and care for him.
They were, after all, someone’s sons. How could she say no?
“If you could see any way of putting up a couple of young men,” the officer continued, “it would be most helpful.”
Maud squeezed her lips together in thought.
“Well, Sidney’s room is too small.” She spoke her thoughts aloud. “Tilly and Peter are in Edward’s room, and then there’s Isobel’s room.
“If we were to move her in with Tilly and Peter there would be room.”
Captain Janak shook her hand.
“Thank you,” he said. “You are most kind.”
Peter wandered in from the garden and the captain’s face lit up in a smile.
“Your little boy?”
“My grandson,” she said proudly.
“Grandson?” The captain looked as if he didn’t believe it and Maud felt her cheeks flush.
“Peter,” she said.
The captain bobbed down on his haunches.
“Hello, Peter,” he greeted the young boy. “I have one like you at home.”
Peter grinned at him.
“Hello,” he said.
“Would you like a cup of tea while you’re here?” Maud asked.
“Thanks, Maud, but we’d best get on. Someone will come round and fill you in on all the details later.
“I knew we could rely on you,” the policeman said.
“Always.” Maud’s voice shook with pride.
Alf was at sea and she wondered how the girls would take it.
She needn’t have worried. They seemed delighted with the idea when they got home.
“It will be lovely to share a room.” Tilly grinned.
“Real soldiers,” Sidney said. “In our house? Will they have guns?”
“Come on, Sidney,” Isobel told her younger brother. “You can help us start moving things round.”
“I hope they have guns,” he said as they went up the stairs. “Do you reckon they’ll let me hold one?”
“No, Sidney, I do not,” Isobel said firmly, and she caught Tilly’s eye and they both laughed.
“I want you to give the boys a warm welcome,” Maud told them.
“They’re a long way from home in a strange country.”
“Keep your wig on, Mum!” Sidney returned, vanishing up the stairs, giggling like his nephew.