Birds Of A Feather Episode 05

Jess was dismayed to find Paloma waiting for her when she arrived at Folly Farm.
“Paloma, I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed. “The traffic was a nightmare.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Paloma said. “I had some extra help this afternoon so got through everything much quicker than usual.”
“Thank you so much for the loan of your car. And for looking after Alfie. Has he been OK?”
Alfie, a large dog of uncertain breed, was dancing with excitement at the sight of Jess. She’d inherited him along with the cottage and they’d grown fond of each other.
Paloma smiled at Alfie.
“As good as gold. How did your trip to Bristol go? Did you meet up with old friends?”
“Nothing so exciting. Just some boring admin about my grandfather’s estate,” Jess said vaguely as she clipped Alfie’s lead on.
It was almost the truth, after all. She was still trying to work out what to do with the address Harry Manvers had given her and wasn’t yet ready to talk about it.
As she walked Alfie towards Nightingale Cottage she was surprised to see Ben Carter’s car parked outside.
Ben was Elsie’s grandson. He was a policeman based locally and called in to see his grandmother often.
Even more often, Elsie insisted, since Jess had moved in next door.
Elsie’s observation was usually followed by advice to “snap him up quick” as he wouldn’t be single long.
Indeed, Ben was everything a girl could wish for, and then some. Good-looking, intelligent, kind and very protective.
A bit too protective at times, which was why she couldn’t decide whether or not to tell him about her appointment with Harry Manvers.
She wished she could talk it through with Maggie. Jess missed her.
Until they’d met seven months ago, it was a source of pride to Jess that she made her own decisions and valued her independence above everything.
But since getting to know Maggie, that had changed. Twelve years older, Maggie was like the older sister she’d never had. She couldn’t wait to see her on Monday.
Having said that, she knew what Maggie would say about telling Ben about her meeting with Harry.
“You shouldn’t keep secrets from people you love,” she’d say. “Trust your instincts. Tell him.”
Did she love Ben? She was beginning to think she might. How else could she explain the melting sensation she felt when he smiled at her?
Or the feeling of having found the place where she belonged when he put his arms around her?
She smiled as she saw movement at Elsie’s window. It didn’t matter what time of the day or night Jess got home, Elsie’s curtains twitched as if on a motion sensor.
“Hi,” Jess said when Elsie’s front door opened and Ben came out. “I thought you were on a late shift today?”
“It was changed at the last minute,” he said. “So I thought I’d come and see Gran.”
“And if you believe
that . . .” Elsie called out from behind her curtain.
Ben gave a good-natured sigh. He took Jess’s arm and walked her a little way up the lane, away from Elsie’s ever-straining ears.
“I –” he began as Jess spoke at the same time.
“There’s something –” She stopped and smiled. “You go first.”
“OK.” He looked so serious that Jess’s heart gave a little lurch.
“I’ve got something to tell you. It’s just – I’m not sure – well, you might not –”