A Time To Reap – Episode 19

A Time To Reap by Kate Blackadder
« Previous Post- 1. A Time To Reap – Episode 01
- 1. A Time To Reap – Episode 19
“There.” Mamie stood back as one wall was finished. “Lovely choice of colours, Peggy dear.”
Peggy looked up.
“It’s clever how you’ve matched the pattern. I hope Donna likes it.”
“Why wouldn’t she?” Mamie climbed up the ladder and waited for Peggy to hand her the next pasted strip.
“This bit round the window will be tricky. Have you got curtains?”
“I washed them this morning,” Peggy said gloomily. “I think they’re the blackout curtains, put up in the war! We’ve not done a thing with this room since we married – it’s the way Alec’s mother had it.”
Mamie peered out of the window.
“It seems a shame to hide that view.”
Peggy looked at the hill with its covering of heather.
“It’s not as if anyone can see in,” Mamie went on. “You don’t need heavy curtains. I’ve some white voile at home. I can run you up a pair, if you like.”
“Are you sure?” Peggy squeezed her aunt’s arm.
Mamie’s gaze had fallen on the carpet.
“Why not get rid of that, while we’re at it?”
Later that night Peggy surveyed the room again, this time with joy. The walls were papered and the evening sun streamed in the open window. The boys had lifted the carpet and dragged it downstairs.
The brown-stained floorboards underneath had been polished to a shiny finish and a braided rug, purloined from the landing, lay beside the bed.
The bedroom was completely transformed from this morning.
“It’s beautiful, Auntie Mamie!” Peggy beamed.
Alec came into the room.
“Let’s see what you’ve been up to.”
“Do you like it?” Peggy asked eagerly.
Alec grunted.
“Hope the Yanks appreciate it.”
He nodded at Mamie.
“How’s that husband of yours?”
“Driving me mad! He makes a very bad patient. He’s on his feet now or I wouldn’t have left him on his own.
“Crys has torn herself away from the doctor and is back in London. Neil’s desperate to get into the garden. I said I’d much rather buy vegetables than have him laid low again.”
Alec laughed.
“I could spare Davy for a few hours, if you like.”
“That would keep us both happy. Thank you, Alec. Now, I must have a wash.”
Auntie Mamie still looked tidy despite her hard work, Peggy thought, catching sight of herself in the dressing-table mirror. What a fright her hair was!
She hoped Alec would have time to drive her into town to get it tidied up before the visitors came.
Of course, Mamie would take her, or Elizabeth, but why should her relatives have to chauffeur her about? It was too much to ask.