Willie’s View: The Falls of Dochart


I was taking a look at Glen Dochart today, following the River Dochart from Crianlarich to where it joins with the Lochay and enters Loch Tay at Killin.

Loch Dochart with the remains of its late 16th century tower house and Loch lobhair were looking quite spectacular beneath snow-capped Ben More.

Just the same, it was one of these frustrating days calling for frequent long waits for the light but patience was to be well rewarded with some cracking reflections.

With plenty recent rain, the Falls of Dochart at Killin were no less impressive. In one last great burst of energy they rush wide and fast beneath Killin’s five-arch road bridge.

With the high tops of the Tarmachans and Lawers hills providing a fitting backdrop, the falls are always worth stopping at to take a photograph or two.

It was surprisingly warm in the late autumn sunshine but that was soon to change as I set off on a circuit of the Acharn Woods.

Click the tag below to follow more of Willie’s adventures around Scotland.

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Mairi Hughes

Willie’s View: The Falls of Dochart


I was taking a look at Glen Dochart today, following the River Dochart from Crianlarich to where it joins with the Lochay and enters Loch Tay at Killin.

Loch Dochart with the remains of its late 16th century tower house and Loch lobhair were looking quite spectacular beneath snow-capped Ben More.

Just the same, it was one of these frustrating days calling for frequent long waits for the light but patience was to be well rewarded with some cracking reflections.

With plenty recent rain, the Falls of Dochart at Killin were no less impressive. In one last great burst of energy they rush wide and fast beneath Killin’s five-arch road bridge.

With the high tops of the Tarmachans and Lawers hills providing a fitting backdrop, the falls are always worth stopping at to take a photograph or two.

It was surprisingly warm in the late autumn sunshine but that was soon to change as I set off on a circuit of the Acharn Woods.

Click the tag below to follow more of Willie’s adventures around Scotland.

Catch up with more of the “Friend” team’s travels by visiting our Travel pages here.

To subscribe to “The People’s Friend” click here.


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