Editor’s Diary: The “Friend” Team On Tour!

Editor's Diary

In this week’s Editor’s Diary, Angela and the team are working hard to make sure the 150th Birthday Bash is a success.

This week started with a Monday Bank Holiday.

People are always surprised to hear that we work on Bank Holidays here at the “Friend”. But you’ll know from previous entries in my Editor’s Diary, we can’t afford to take odd days off throughout the summer. We only have five days to produce each issue!

Over the years I have grown used to being in when almost everyone else is off. Now, I don’t mind it at all. In fact, I enjoy the peace and quiet. The phone doesn’t ring; there are hardly any e-mails. And, of course, the roads are wonderfully empty.

This Monday, however, was hectic with last-minute prep for our Warner 150th weekend. And it continued on Tuesday, with the van arriving to transport all our supplies to Cheshire.

Alan and I spent a while supervising the loading up to make sure nothing was missed.

The volume of items needed to fill almost 200 goody bags was staggering. Then there was our peep board for photo opportunities, stacks of magazines, craft supplies, shortbread and Dundee cake for refreshments . . . That poor van was groaning!

We had our heads down for the next two days, getting the magazine’s production ahead so that five of us could be out of the office for two days.

And then — so exciting! — it was Friday, and we were finally on our way to the event of the year. Jacki and I were the drivers, and at 8.30 a.m. on Friday we loaded up our cars and set off in the rain for Cheshire.

We were accompanied by Margaret from the Production team, and Alan and Lucy from the Fiction team. And not even the dismal weather could dampen our spirits!

If Angela’s Editor’s Diary has you curious about our 150th Birthday Bash, head over to our Facebook page for some photos.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: The “Friend” Team On Tour!

Editor's Diary

In this week’s Editor’s Diary, Angela and the team are working hard to make sure the 150th Birthday Bash is a success.

This week started with a Monday Bank Holiday.

People are always surprised to hear that we work on Bank Holidays here at the “Friend”. But you’ll know from previous entries in my Editor’s Diary, we can’t afford to take odd days off throughout the summer. We only have five days to produce each issue!

Over the years I have grown used to being in when almost everyone else is off. Now, I don’t mind it at all. In fact, I enjoy the peace and quiet. The phone doesn’t ring; there are hardly any e-mails. And, of course, the roads are wonderfully empty.

This Monday, however, was hectic with last-minute prep for our Warner 150th weekend. And it continued on Tuesday, with the van arriving to transport all our supplies to Cheshire.

Alan and I spent a while supervising the loading up to make sure nothing was missed.

The volume of items needed to fill almost 200 goody bags was staggering. Then there was our peep board for photo opportunities, stacks of magazines, craft supplies, shortbread and Dundee cake for refreshments . . . That poor van was groaning!

We had our heads down for the next two days, getting the magazine’s production ahead so that five of us could be out of the office for two days.

And then — so exciting! — it was Friday, and we were finally on our way to the event of the year. Jacki and I were the drivers, and at 8.30 a.m. on Friday we loaded up our cars and set off in the rain for Cheshire.

We were accompanied by Margaret from the Production team, and Alan and Lucy from the Fiction team. And not even the dismal weather could dampen our spirits!

If Angela’s Editor’s Diary has you curious about our 150th Birthday Bash, head over to our Facebook page for some photos.


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