Editor’s Diary: Interviews And Idyllic Weather

Editor's Diary

No matter how busy I am, I make a point of getting out of the office every lunchtime and stretching my legs.

If the weather is good, my favourite walk is down to the River Tay. That’s where I took the above picture this week, on the walkway along the river.

Dundee’s stunning V&A Museum can be seen at the right-hand side.  It’s incredibly popular with visitors, and well worth a visit. But it’s the view of the river that I love most about this walk.

It sparkles in the sunshine, and is balm for the soul after hours of staring at a computer screen!

In case you’re wondering, the hills are those of North-east Fife, and the bridge is the Tay Rail Bridge. The view is just one of Dundee’s many attractions.

I was certainly in need of my lunchtime breaks this week. Together with Production Editor Judey, I was carrying out interviews to recruit a new sub-editor for the “Friend” team. It’s always an exhausting process, and requires intense concentration.

It’s so important to find the right person — and when you do, it’s so rewarding. Welcoming a new recruit to the team is exciting for everyone and injects new enthusiasm into us all.

Fortunately, we’ve done just that! Keep an eye on our website over the next few weeks; our newest member of staff will soon be introducing themselves to you.

Click here to read more from the Editor’s Diary.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: Interviews And Idyllic Weather

Editor's Diary

No matter how busy I am, I make a point of getting out of the office every lunchtime and stretching my legs.

If the weather is good, my favourite walk is down to the River Tay. That’s where I took the above picture this week, on the walkway along the river.

Dundee’s stunning V&A Museum can be seen at the right-hand side.  It’s incredibly popular with visitors, and well worth a visit. But it’s the view of the river that I love most about this walk.

It sparkles in the sunshine, and is balm for the soul after hours of staring at a computer screen!

In case you’re wondering, the hills are those of North-east Fife, and the bridge is the Tay Rail Bridge. The view is just one of Dundee’s many attractions.

I was certainly in need of my lunchtime breaks this week. Together with Production Editor Judey, I was carrying out interviews to recruit a new sub-editor for the “Friend” team. It’s always an exhausting process, and requires intense concentration.

It’s so important to find the right person — and when you do, it’s so rewarding. Welcoming a new recruit to the team is exciting for everyone and injects new enthusiasm into us all.

Fortunately, we’ve done just that! Keep an eye on our website over the next few weeks; our newest member of staff will soon be introducing themselves to you.

Click here to read more from the Editor’s Diary.


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