Editor’s Diary: Book Reviews And Cakes Galore!

Editor's Diary

In this week’s Editor’s Diary, I want to talk about books.

I’m a member of a Book Club here at the “Friend” company offices, and we meet monthly. It’s an evening I always look forward to, as we have such a good laugh.

This week’s meeting was no exception. The book we were discussing was “Something Fresh” by P.G. Wodehouse, a light and very silly comedy set in Blandings Castle. Just the thing for summer reading!

As you might expect in a publishing company, lots of us are avid readers. Swapping book recommendations is always fun. And if you’re wondering what to read next, have a look at some of the “Friend” team’s recent book reviews.

The social event of the summer

Book Club aside, the main focus this week was Friday’s big event. Every year, the “Friend” holds a fund-raising Strawberry Tea to raise money for Breast Cancer Care Scotland. It’s the social event of the summer! We have a massive bake sale and raffle and also sell books and knitwear to benefit this brilliant cause.

I love baking, and so I spent most of Thursday afternoon and evening up to my elbows in flour, butter and sugar. Can you imagine the heat in my kitchen by the end of the day? Even the cats were melting, and they’re proper sun-worshippers.

But I was very pleased with the Rhubarb and Custard Cake, Lavender Shortbread, Malteser Tiffin and Chocolate, Banana and Peanut Butter Muffins that I turned out. Mr Editor carried out a spot of quality control (what a hard job!) and pronounced them fit for sale.

Friday passed in a whirl of setting up, selling, raffle-drawing and tidying afterwards, but by the end of it we had made an astonishing £1, 940 for the charity. What a great way to start the weekend.

A relaxing beach walk

Speaking of which, the next day, I relaxed with a long walk on beautiful Tentsmuir beach in Fife. It was so lovely I decided to take this picture to share with you.

Editor's Diary

Click the tag below to read more from the Editor’s Diary.

Or you can catch up with all the other exciting 150th Anniversary goings on by clicking here.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: Book Reviews And Cakes Galore!

Editor's Diary

In this week’s Editor’s Diary, I want to talk about books.

I’m a member of a Book Club here at the “Friend” company offices, and we meet monthly. It’s an evening I always look forward to, as we have such a good laugh.

This week’s meeting was no exception. The book we were discussing was “Something Fresh” by P.G. Wodehouse, a light and very silly comedy set in Blandings Castle. Just the thing for summer reading!

As you might expect in a publishing company, lots of us are avid readers. Swapping book recommendations is always fun. And if you’re wondering what to read next, have a look at some of the “Friend” team’s recent book reviews.

The social event of the summer

Book Club aside, the main focus this week was Friday’s big event. Every year, the “Friend” holds a fund-raising Strawberry Tea to raise money for Breast Cancer Care Scotland. It’s the social event of the summer! We have a massive bake sale and raffle and also sell books and knitwear to benefit this brilliant cause.

I love baking, and so I spent most of Thursday afternoon and evening up to my elbows in flour, butter and sugar. Can you imagine the heat in my kitchen by the end of the day? Even the cats were melting, and they’re proper sun-worshippers.

But I was very pleased with the Rhubarb and Custard Cake, Lavender Shortbread, Malteser Tiffin and Chocolate, Banana and Peanut Butter Muffins that I turned out. Mr Editor carried out a spot of quality control (what a hard job!) and pronounced them fit for sale.

Friday passed in a whirl of setting up, selling, raffle-drawing and tidying afterwards, but by the end of it we had made an astonishing £1, 940 for the charity. What a great way to start the weekend.

A relaxing beach walk

Speaking of which, the next day, I relaxed with a long walk on beautiful Tentsmuir beach in Fife. It was so lovely I decided to take this picture to share with you.

Editor's Diary

Click the tag below to read more from the Editor’s Diary.

Or you can catch up with all the other exciting 150th Anniversary goings on by clicking here.


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