Angela’s Lentil Soup

secret lentil soup

Angela shares her secret Lentil soup recipe, great for the cold winter months!

We eat a lot of home-made soup in Scotland, and no wonder – we need it to warm us up in all the cold weather we get!

I’m going to share the secret of my lentil soup with you. It is central heating in a bowl, and not only does it warm you up, it also tastes delicious, is super healthy and very cheap to make.

The Secret Lentil Soup Recipe

Peel and finely chop two large onions or three smaller ones.

Peel and finely chop three large carrots and – the secret ingredient that really does make a difference – one decent sized parsnip.

Put all the veg in a large pot, add 6 ounces of red lentils, three vegetable stock cubes (I always use Knorr because I like them best) and one and a half litres of cold water.

Bring it to the boil, then turn the heat down to the lowest setting and cook for one hour. Do not skimp on the cooking time – this is when the flavour develops.

When the hour is up, switch off the heat, blend using a stick blender and serve. Delicious!

And the leftovers will keep for several days in the fridge or can be frozen (but we never have any left over in my house!)

Follow our cookery posts for more yummy home cooking!

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Angela’s Lentil Soup

secret lentil soup

Angela shares her secret Lentil soup recipe, great for the cold winter months!

We eat a lot of home-made soup in Scotland, and no wonder – we need it to warm us up in all the cold weather we get!

I’m going to share the secret of my lentil soup with you. It is central heating in a bowl, and not only does it warm you up, it also tastes delicious, is super healthy and very cheap to make.

The Secret Lentil Soup Recipe

Peel and finely chop two large onions or three smaller ones.

Peel and finely chop three large carrots and – the secret ingredient that really does make a difference – one decent sized parsnip.

Put all the veg in a large pot, add 6 ounces of red lentils, three vegetable stock cubes (I always use Knorr because I like them best) and one and a half litres of cold water.

Bring it to the boil, then turn the heat down to the lowest setting and cook for one hour. Do not skimp on the cooking time – this is when the flavour develops.

When the hour is up, switch off the heat, blend using a stick blender and serve. Delicious!

And the leftovers will keep for several days in the fridge or can be frozen (but we never have any left over in my house!)

Follow our cookery posts for more yummy home cooking!


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