“The People’s Friend” Has A Brand New Podcast

reading between the lines

We have some great news for fans of the fiction in “The People’s Friend”: we’ve launched a brand new podcast, in association with The Oddfellows!

“Reading Between The Lines”

In each episode of “Reading Between the Lines”, the team from “The People’s Friend” will take a look back over 150 years of fabulous fiction to pick out a story to read, and then get together for a friendly chat about it.

Some of the stories covered in the first season include an encounter with robbers on the way to a stag night, first published in 1871; the tale of an artist desperate to create his masterpiece, first published in 1905, and a very popular set of “Wrangles” — which attracted a very famous admirer.

The podcast also features an exclusive theme tune which has been performed by Neil Brand, a regular presenter for BBC Four, silent film accompanist at London’s National Film Theatre, and a world authority on Edwardian music.

Readers wrote and scored “The Dear Old People’s Friend” in 1905, as part of a competition.

No one has ever recorded before. Until now!

Fireside reading in the 21st century

“Since its launch in 1869, when it declared its intention to promote ‘fireside reading’, the ‘Friend’ has been passionate about publishing quality fiction,” Editor Angela said.

“Our new podcast, ‘Reading Between the Lines’, brings that essence of ‘fireside reading’ into the 21st century! ‘The People’s Friend’ has always been a constant in its readers’ lives.

“And though this year has been one of the most challenging in our 150-year history, the ‘Friend’ is there to provide friendship in times of trouble.

“Hopefully our podcast will bring some joy and happiness to those listening!”


Photograph by Claire McDonald.

What is a podcast?

  • A podcast is a bit like a radio show. But instead of listening to whatever is broadcast, you get to choose which shows to listen to, and when to listen to them. Think of it like “radio on demand”!
  • Subscribing to a podcast is usually free. You can access them on your digital device — most often your phone or tablet.

How do I subscribe?

  • You’ll need a podcast app. There will likely be one installed on your phone already (for iPhones it’s the “Apple Podcasts” app). You can also use Spotify, Pocket Casts, Overcast or another podcast app.
  • Open your app and find a podcast you like. Do this by typing the name of the podcast into the search bar, or by using the “Browse” function. If you listen to the radio, lots of your favourite shows might be available as podcasts already.
  • Tap on the show you’ve found and you’ll be able to read information about it, and see what episodes are available. You can play episodes here, too, but it’s best to tap “Subscribe”. That way, new episodes will arrive in the app’s “Library” automatically as soon as they’re available.
  • Now that you’ve subscribed, you can play available episodes whenever or wherever you like!

Where can I find “Reading Between The Lines”?

To listen on an iPhone or iPad: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/reading-between-lines-story-podcast-from-peoples-friend/id1542226917

To listen on an Android device: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3JidGwvZmVlZC54bWw%3D

To listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/47woeEDZJzXQh5IdqpEdja

Click here for more from “The People’s Friend” team.


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