Working From Home: Time For A Match Report

working from home

Well, we’re almost six weeks in to your “Friend” team all working from home.

From that first week of getting everything set up and running smoothly, to this week where we’re a well-oiled machine!

So how have we done?

Well, things are taking a tad longer to go through the usual processes, but we were determined that quality wouldn’t be compromised, and it hasn’t been.

Behind the scenes we’ve all gone that extra lung-bursting mile to make sure your magazine is always brilliant. Every feature, every story and every piece of artwork has been looked over discussed and finally slotted into place.

Our various team meetings are still going ahead online, and we can check out each other’s ever-growing hair and backgrounds of our work spaces!

The Fiction team also has a Five O’clock Friday Gin Or Wine Club!

It’s hotly anticipated and all talk of work is banned.

Having trouble getting your issues?

We’re aware that some deliveries are taking a bit longer than normal, and we’re very sorry.

As you can imagine, things are far from normal at the moment, with printing and distribution set-ups compromised, too.

We’ll do everything we can for you, and hopefully sooner rather than later things will be back to normal.

The whole company is making a monumental effort to keep things going.

Editor Angela will keep you updated with various ways to access your “Friend”.


I asked my fellow Fiction team members what they’re enjoying about working from home!

Alan: “I’m saving money not having to use public transport! Also, I like my routines, so I still have my coffee breaks at the same time I’d have them in the office.”

Abbie: “We’ve seen loads of animals outside that we’d never normally see. There’s been rabbits, pheasants and a deer.”

Lucy: “I love hearing the birdsong — which is easier because there’s hardly any traffic. I also don’t need to rush for the bus!”

Manon: “I can see more of my fiancé, and I can have coffee breaks in the garden. I also get to spend time with my dog, Bertie.”

And me . . . I’ve discovered that there is no limit to the amount of tea you can drink in a day!

I’m also loving being able to look out at my garden and listen to the delight that is Scala Radio. I even got on Simon Mayo’s show last Monday and managed to speak about the “Friend”!

We don’t know how much longer the current situation will last, but you can be sure that your “Friend” is here for you.

Please bear with us, as we’re all in this together.

For more information on subscribing to “The People’s Friend, click here.

For the best guide ever on how to subscribe to our digital edition and get it up and running, click here.

Tracey Steel

Having worked on a number of magazines over the years, I have found my perfect place on the “Friend” as I’m obsessed with reading and never go anywhere without a book! I read all of our stories with a mug of tea close by and usually a bit of strong cheese too!

Working From Home: Time For A Match Report

working from home

Well, we’re almost six weeks in to your “Friend” team all working from home.

From that first week of getting everything set up and running smoothly, to this week where we’re a well-oiled machine!

So how have we done?

Well, things are taking a tad longer to go through the usual processes, but we were determined that quality wouldn’t be compromised, and it hasn’t been.

Behind the scenes we’ve all gone that extra lung-bursting mile to make sure your magazine is always brilliant. Every feature, every story and every piece of artwork has been looked over discussed and finally slotted into place.

Our various team meetings are still going ahead online, and we can check out each other’s ever-growing hair and backgrounds of our work spaces!

The Fiction team also has a Five O’clock Friday Gin Or Wine Club!

It’s hotly anticipated and all talk of work is banned.

Having trouble getting your issues?

We’re aware that some deliveries are taking a bit longer than normal, and we’re very sorry.

As you can imagine, things are far from normal at the moment, with printing and distribution set-ups compromised, too.

We’ll do everything we can for you, and hopefully sooner rather than later things will be back to normal.

The whole company is making a monumental effort to keep things going.

Editor Angela will keep you updated with various ways to access your “Friend”.


I asked my fellow Fiction team members what they’re enjoying about working from home!

Alan: “I’m saving money not having to use public transport! Also, I like my routines, so I still have my coffee breaks at the same time I’d have them in the office.”

Abbie: “We’ve seen loads of animals outside that we’d never normally see. There’s been rabbits, pheasants and a deer.”

Lucy: “I love hearing the birdsong — which is easier because there’s hardly any traffic. I also don’t need to rush for the bus!”

Manon: “I can see more of my fiancé, and I can have coffee breaks in the garden. I also get to spend time with my dog, Bertie.”

And me . . . I’ve discovered that there is no limit to the amount of tea you can drink in a day!

I’m also loving being able to look out at my garden and listen to the delight that is Scala Radio. I even got on Simon Mayo’s show last Monday and managed to speak about the “Friend”!

We don’t know how much longer the current situation will last, but you can be sure that your “Friend” is here for you.

Please bear with us, as we’re all in this together.

For more information on subscribing to “The People’s Friend, click here.

For the best guide ever on how to subscribe to our digital edition and get it up and running, click here.


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