Here at the “Friend” office we love to offer our loyal readers the chance to win some great competition prizes. We’ve featured everything from iPads to robot vacuum cleaners in our magazine. Not only that we also have some great prizes on our website, and every so often we get the change to put unique ones within our readers’ grasp.
We have one such competition on our website now…
The wonderful guys in our Archives Department came across a treasure trove of “The People’s Friend” annuals, some dating as far back as the 1940s. Open the pages and you get a magical glimpse into the era just by studying the ads – one for Mars, for instance, has the added footnote “zoning now restricts Mars to the Southern Counties. But Victory will mean plenty of Mars for everyone” – a stark reminder of a country still at war.
If you fancy trying for a bundle of five of these annuals, head to the competitions section of our web page. You never know, it could be a red-letter day if your name is selected.
Talking of red-letter days, we love receiving your letters and emails for the Between Friends section of the magazine, especially if you have some great pictures to share. You could win a prize if your letter is selected, so why not write to us today?