Lucy Gets The Coronavirus Vaccination

Shutterstock / siam.pukkato © coronavirus

On the anniversary of the first lockdown, we paused for a National Day of Reflection, remembering those who’ve lost their lives to coronavirus, and their loved ones.

As well as holding a minute’s silence at midday, buildings throughout the UK were lit up in yellow – including our own DC Thomson building, here in Dundee.

Some of us (including our Abbie) lit candles on doorsteps or in windows.

Just prior to the anniversary, a blue envelope from NHS Scotland arrived through my letterbox. The letter inside invited me to go along to be vaccinated.

A day or so later, a cheery voice on the phone called to double-check I was able to make the appointment.

On the day itself, we turned up and there was a well-organised queuing system. Although there wasn’t a queue as such, as the stewards kept things moving smoothly.

Once inside, we were asked to put on a fresh mask and sanitise hands. Then it was a few quick questions and into the main hall, where there were multiple desks set up. After a very short wait, stewards quickly guided us to our vaccination point.

It’s more than worth it

Ross, the nurse who gave me the jab, was very reassuring. And after running through a few final health checks, it was all over and done.

Apart from being advised not to drive for around quarter of an hour, we were given the all-clear to go. The whole process took no more than 15 minutes.

So, to all the stewards, reception staff and healthcare workers who welcomed and looked after us, thank you. And thanks to our brilliant NHS.

A few minor niggly after-effects could be on the cards, but to protect everyone we love from coronavirus and help get us move forward, it’s more than worth it.

As staying hydrated is always important, we headed home for a cup of tea, pausing to take in the lovely views over to Fife from the waterfront first. With the clocks going forward, spring is in the air.

For more from the “Friend” team, click here.

Lucy Crichton

Better known as “Fiction Editor Lucy”, I am always on the look-out for the very best short stories, poems and pocket novels. As well as sourcing enjoyable content, I enjoy working with our established contributors, encouraging new talent, and celebrating 155 years of “Friend” fiction!

Lucy Gets The Coronavirus Vaccination

Shutterstock / siam.pukkato © coronavirus

On the anniversary of the first lockdown, we paused for a National Day of Reflection, remembering those who’ve lost their lives to coronavirus, and their loved ones.

As well as holding a minute’s silence at midday, buildings throughout the UK were lit up in yellow – including our own DC Thomson building, here in Dundee.

Some of us (including our Abbie) lit candles on doorsteps or in windows.

Just prior to the anniversary, a blue envelope from NHS Scotland arrived through my letterbox. The letter inside invited me to go along to be vaccinated.

A day or so later, a cheery voice on the phone called to double-check I was able to make the appointment.

On the day itself, we turned up and there was a well-organised queuing system. Although there wasn’t a queue as such, as the stewards kept things moving smoothly.

Once inside, we were asked to put on a fresh mask and sanitise hands. Then it was a few quick questions and into the main hall, where there were multiple desks set up. After a very short wait, stewards quickly guided us to our vaccination point.

It’s more than worth it

Ross, the nurse who gave me the jab, was very reassuring. And after running through a few final health checks, it was all over and done.

Apart from being advised not to drive for around quarter of an hour, we were given the all-clear to go. The whole process took no more than 15 minutes.

So, to all the stewards, reception staff and healthcare workers who welcomed and looked after us, thank you. And thanks to our brilliant NHS.

A few minor niggly after-effects could be on the cards, but to protect everyone we love from coronavirus and help get us move forward, it’s more than worth it.

As staying hydrated is always important, we headed home for a cup of tea, pausing to take in the lovely views over to Fife from the waterfront first. With the clocks going forward, spring is in the air.

For more from the “Friend” team, click here.


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