Royal Recognition

Judy Olby is the winner of the prestigious RDA President’s Award for volunteering.

She’s had over 30 years’ dedicated service with RDA. “In the 1980s I taught disabled children in Bradford.

My pupils were invited to join a new RDA group and this is where my journey began.

“My youngest son suffered a major health blow and horses came to the rescue. Through all this, RDA was always challenging me: to be a helper, to train to be a coach, and to join a committee.”

“We developed our own RDA group, adding carriage driving to our skills, and started running RDA holidays.”

“This led to my becoming Regional Chairman for nine years. Currently I run my local group where I am a coach and run holidays in the summer.”


Georgia Wood

Georgia works as part of the magazine marketing team. She loves that her job is very varied, every day is different working across all of DCT Media's magazines. She likes trying new things, from cooking to crafting, she's currently learning to knit!

Royal Recognition

Judy Olby is the winner of the prestigious RDA President’s Award for volunteering.

She’s had over 30 years’ dedicated service with RDA. “In the 1980s I taught disabled children in Bradford.

My pupils were invited to join a new RDA group and this is where my journey began.

“My youngest son suffered a major health blow and horses came to the rescue. Through all this, RDA was always challenging me: to be a helper, to train to be a coach, and to join a committee.”

“We developed our own RDA group, adding carriage driving to our skills, and started running RDA holidays.”

“This led to my becoming Regional Chairman for nine years. Currently I run my local group where I am a coach and run holidays in the summer.”


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