Lockdown Project Gone Awry 

Shutterstock / Pearl PhotoPix © Lockdown Project

While it’s great to welcome the careful easing of restrictions it’s fair to say we’ve all found lockdown projects that we have enjoyed. But what happens when a lockdown project goes awry?

Well, recently my parents were given a project: each was presented with a diary to fill out.

They were to give accounts of their life experiences, from their early years at school through to how it felt when they first met a grandchild. This latter part of their “homework” was just a tiny section, yet caused the biggest problem. 

The exercise has raised lots of lovely memories and subsequent conversations.

Both my daughters have delighted in hearing the details of their grandparents’ upbringing. 

Lively debate over lockdown project

On one recent garden visit, however, there was a lively debate when it came to filling out the grandchild part.

My father had written specifically about the grandchild who had gifted the book to him.

My mother had tried to be all encompassing with her account but didn’t have the space to do it justice.

Who was right? Diplomacy was the order of the day. There’s a lot to be said for trying to sit on the fence. But there clearly wasn’t space for ALL the grandchildren.  

“It wasn’t very clear what I was expected to do,” she said, in her defence.

Suffice to say, there was much crossing out of work on my mother’s part, and her diary isn’t looking the neatest. My dad, on the other hand, had even managed to find time to include pictures. Top marks! 

The pressure is now back on Mum to up her game. It’s just as well she has a sense of humour.

A wry smile came when the comment was made her work would be marked “must try harder”. 

For more from the “Friend” team, click here to read our blog.

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Yvonne McKenzie

I work on the Features team and admit to being nosy, so I love looking after the Between Friends letters and finding out all about our lovely readers. I also look after our health copy and enjoy writing about inspiring people that help make the articles in the magazine so interesting.

Lockdown Project Gone Awry 

Shutterstock / Pearl PhotoPix © Lockdown Project

While it’s great to welcome the careful easing of restrictions it’s fair to say we’ve all found lockdown projects that we have enjoyed. But what happens when a lockdown project goes awry?

Well, recently my parents were given a project: each was presented with a diary to fill out.

They were to give accounts of their life experiences, from their early years at school through to how it felt when they first met a grandchild. This latter part of their “homework” was just a tiny section, yet caused the biggest problem. 

The exercise has raised lots of lovely memories and subsequent conversations.

Both my daughters have delighted in hearing the details of their grandparents’ upbringing. 

Lively debate over lockdown project

On one recent garden visit, however, there was a lively debate when it came to filling out the grandchild part.

My father had written specifically about the grandchild who had gifted the book to him.

My mother had tried to be all encompassing with her account but didn’t have the space to do it justice.

Who was right? Diplomacy was the order of the day. There’s a lot to be said for trying to sit on the fence. But there clearly wasn’t space for ALL the grandchildren.  

“It wasn’t very clear what I was expected to do,” she said, in her defence.

Suffice to say, there was much crossing out of work on my mother’s part, and her diary isn’t looking the neatest. My dad, on the other hand, had even managed to find time to include pictures. Top marks! 

The pressure is now back on Mum to up her game. It’s just as well she has a sense of humour.

A wry smile came when the comment was made her work would be marked “must try harder”. 

For more from the “Friend” team, click here to read our blog.

Click here to subscribe to “The People’s Friend”.


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