It’s Time For Our Christmas Advent Fiction Competition!

We did it last year, and we’re doing it again in 2018!

Every day of Advent, we’re giving away a book – except for Christmas Day, when we’ll be at home, of course.

Answer the question below, and if you’re one of our lucky winners, we’ll post you a random pick from our selection of fab fiction.

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Alex Corlett

I am the "Friend's" Features Editor, working with the talented Features Team to bring you everything from cryptic crosswords to financial advice, knitting patterns to international travel and inspirational real life stories. Always on the hunt for a new feature idea, I also enjoy cycling and love a good tea room.

It’s Time For Our Christmas Advent Fiction Competition!

We did it last year, and we’re doing it again in 2018!

Every day of Advent, we’re giving away a book – except for Christmas Day, when we’ll be at home, of course.

Answer the question below, and if you’re one of our lucky winners, we’ll post you a random pick from our selection of fab fiction.

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