Now, more than ever, we are glad to be introducing our new Feel-good Special 2020.
That’s because this year hasn’t been easy for any of us.
Life as we knew it was turned upside down in March.
Overnight, countries locked down and people were told to stay at home. It was unsettling, scary and bewildering.
But as time stretched on it became clear that there were many positives to the experience.
Communities came together, nature flourished, and people began to value once more the simpler pleasures in life.
As lockdown started to ease, the “Friend” team wondered how we could help people feel better about the tumultuous events of this year. The “Friend”, after all, is the original and best feel-good magazine there is!
And so “The People’s Friend” Feel-good Special 2020 was born.
Over 148 pages, we celebrate the lockdown stories we love, pay tribute to the key-worker heroes who kept us all safe, and provide health and nutritional advice and recipes to boost your wellbeing.
There are puzzles and short stories, craft projects to try and pages and pages of inspirational ideas. And so much more besides!
My personal favourite is Polly Pullar’s account of the animal rescues she’s performed during lockdown. Just wait till you see the pictures of deer fawn Cloudy . . .
Remarkably, every word has been produced from our kitchen tables, bedrooms and broom cupboards as we continue to work from home!
Continuous publication
The “Friend” has been in continuous publication since it launched in 1869.
It has kept going despite world wars, financial crashes and social upheaval. So I am really proud that we have managed to maintain that record.
It will take more than a global pandemic to stop the “Friend” reaching its readers!
In our new publication we have captured all the many positives of a year like no other. I really do hope you enjoy every minute of it.
Click here to pre-order your copy of the Feel-good Special 2020 now, ready for delivery in September.