Great To See Community Spirit In Time Of Need

community spirit

At a time when there is so much uncertainty around coronavirus, I was heartened to see my local village exhibit some real community spirit.

Locals sprang into action, setting up a group to help the vulnerable in our area, and those who may have to self-isolate.

Offers of help came flooding in from those volunteering to shop or cook for those less able.

I guess we all have a part to play. It may even be something as simple as ringing someone unable to get out and about to provide a friendly, reassuring chat.

Within one day, this group had enough volunteers to allocate people to cover each street. They would leave no one out.

It’s exactly what we need: reassurance that a doorstep delivery of essentials is just a phone call away, if needed.

This is community spirit at its very best.

I notice other groups are springing up locally, and let’s hope it’s replicated nationwide. It’s the perfect reaction at a time of such uncertainty. The one thing we can all be sure of is that we need to pull together.

The footage coming from Italy in lockdown was a perfect example of people helping one another and raising spirits. If you haven’t seen it, it really is wonderful — people in isolation joining together in song from their balconies.

In Spain, some enterprising individual conducted a rooftop gym session, much to the delight of overlooking high-rise dwellers who joined in.

Let’s hope we retain that sense of community when we are able to put this all behind us.

Our lives would be richer for it.

For more from the team, read our blog here.

Yvonne McKenzie

I work on the Features team and admit to being nosy, so I love looking after the Between Friends letters and finding out all about our lovely readers. I also look after our health copy and enjoy writing about inspiring people that help make the articles in the magazine so interesting.

Great To See Community Spirit In Time Of Need

community spirit

At a time when there is so much uncertainty around coronavirus, I was heartened to see my local village exhibit some real community spirit.

Locals sprang into action, setting up a group to help the vulnerable in our area, and those who may have to self-isolate.

Offers of help came flooding in from those volunteering to shop or cook for those less able.

I guess we all have a part to play. It may even be something as simple as ringing someone unable to get out and about to provide a friendly, reassuring chat.

Within one day, this group had enough volunteers to allocate people to cover each street. They would leave no one out.

It’s exactly what we need: reassurance that a doorstep delivery of essentials is just a phone call away, if needed.

This is community spirit at its very best.

I notice other groups are springing up locally, and let’s hope it’s replicated nationwide. It’s the perfect reaction at a time of such uncertainty. The one thing we can all be sure of is that we need to pull together.

The footage coming from Italy in lockdown was a perfect example of people helping one another and raising spirits. If you haven’t seen it, it really is wonderful — people in isolation joining together in song from their balconies.

In Spain, some enterprising individual conducted a rooftop gym session, much to the delight of overlooking high-rise dwellers who joined in.

Let’s hope we retain that sense of community when we are able to put this all behind us.

Our lives would be richer for it.

For more from the team, read our blog here.


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