Editor’s Diary: Tupperware Party Memories

An array of block coloured tupperware boxes and plastic bowls

In this week’s Editor’s Diary, I’m taking a trip down memory lane.

As I got ready for work one morning this week, a story was being discussed on the radio.

Tupperware – the company synonymous with plastic kitchen ware – had announced it was in trouble.

Which is bad news for them and their employees, of course. But it sparked the most wonderful wallow in nostalgia as presenters and listeners remembered the heyday of the Tupperware party.

Do you remember them? Maybe you hosted one? They were all the rage in the 1970s.

The story catapulted me back to my childhood in 1970s Edinburgh. My memories are hazy – I was very young at the time – but I know Mum hosted several Tupperware parties.

I don’t remember many of the details, but I do remember our kitchen cupboards being full of plastic wares!

One item in particular stands out for me.

It was a white plastic ring mould intended, I think, for jellies or blancmange (now there’s a whole other nostalgia topic! Does anyone make or eat blancmange any more?)

Mum used it to make something she called a Krispie Ring. It was essentially a giant Chocolate Krispie cake, shaped in a ring.

Made with Rice Krispies, butter, golden syrup and chocolate, it was a dentist’s nightmare. But it was also delicious!

The mixture was spooned into the ring and put in the fridge to set. When ready, it was cut into slices for us to sink our teeth into.

Probably not the healthiest of treats, but as I’m writing this I can still taste it.

And I can see, from a quick internet search, that there are still examples of those jelly ring moulds out there. I may just have to purchase one and dust down that recipe for old times’ sake . . .

Read Angela’s previous Editor’s Diary entries


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