Editor’s Diary: Time For A Haircut!

Shutterstock / franz12 © editors diary

Well, Editor’s Diary readers, last Saturday was a red-letter day for me.

Yes, I finally made it to the hairdresser’s for the first time since November 2020!

And my goodness, was that appointment overdue! It’s been many years since my hair was that long. And as for my roots . . . !

We’ll just draw a veil over those.

Going to the hairdresser was definitely something I used to take for granted. But I don’t think I ever will again.

As we continue working from home, all of our meetings take place virtually by video call.

And as anyone who has ever participated in one of those knows, you see a little thumbnail of your own face on screen while you’re talking. A less than helpful, yet constant, reminder that you’re having a bad hair year!

It really doesn’t do a lot for your self-esteem . . .

It was such a tonic

The strong winds we had here in North-east Fife a few weeks ago didn’t improve the situation, either.

So I positively bounced into the salon at my allotted time, delighted to see Keri, my lovely hairdresser.

As she coloured, conditioned, snipped and styled, I realised I wasn’t the only one who was happy to be there. The atmosphere was positively festive as eager customers burst in the door, desperate to have their wild locks tamed. And the staff were equally delighted to see them.

Happy, excited chatter filled the air – we’ve all missed that. It was such a tonic.

And the smiling faces as people left the salon, transformed! It was all positively joyous.

So I will never take the simple pleasure of going to the hairdresser for granted again. And I will try to be just as appreciative of Keri and her colleagues in future as I felt on Saturday. After all, I now know just how much I need her!

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: Time For A Haircut!

Shutterstock / franz12 © editors diary

Well, Editor’s Diary readers, last Saturday was a red-letter day for me.

Yes, I finally made it to the hairdresser’s for the first time since November 2020!

And my goodness, was that appointment overdue! It’s been many years since my hair was that long. And as for my roots . . . !

We’ll just draw a veil over those.

Going to the hairdresser was definitely something I used to take for granted. But I don’t think I ever will again.

As we continue working from home, all of our meetings take place virtually by video call.

And as anyone who has ever participated in one of those knows, you see a little thumbnail of your own face on screen while you’re talking. A less than helpful, yet constant, reminder that you’re having a bad hair year!

It really doesn’t do a lot for your self-esteem . . .

It was such a tonic

The strong winds we had here in North-east Fife a few weeks ago didn’t improve the situation, either.

So I positively bounced into the salon at my allotted time, delighted to see Keri, my lovely hairdresser.

As she coloured, conditioned, snipped and styled, I realised I wasn’t the only one who was happy to be there. The atmosphere was positively festive as eager customers burst in the door, desperate to have their wild locks tamed. And the staff were equally delighted to see them.

Happy, excited chatter filled the air – we’ve all missed that. It was such a tonic.

And the smiling faces as people left the salon, transformed! It was all positively joyous.

So I will never take the simple pleasure of going to the hairdresser for granted again. And I will try to be just as appreciative of Keri and her colleagues in future as I felt on Saturday. After all, I now know just how much I need her!

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.


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