Editor’s Diary: Taking A Break

editors diary

If you’ve been keeping up with my Editor’s Diary, you’ll know I’m just back at work after a week’s holiday.

My break should have been enjoyed on the Isle of Skye — but that wasn’t possible, of course.

Lockdown restrictions are still in place in Scotland, and the rule is “stay at home”. So that’s what I did.

And actually, a holiday in the comfort of your own home isn’t so bad. At least you don’t have to worry about travel delays or uncomfortable beds!

I’m lucky to live in a beautiful part of the country, and I made a point of taking a long walk every day. I even found some new routes – like the one in my photo.

Not bad after a year of exploring my local area on foot! I thought I’d already walked every square inch but was surprised by how many new paths I found.

To make the week feel as holiday-ish as possible, I baked a batch of chocolate brownies, made the effort to cook some special dinners and spent lots of time reading. I’d saved an enormous book — “A Promised Land” by Barack Obama – for the occasion. At 700 plus pages, it kept me going all week.

I also watched several excellent films, including “Lion”, which was outstanding.

The cats thought it was the best holiday ever – no trip to the cattery for them!

On the anniversary of the first lockdown, I received my COVID vaccination. It was strange to reflect on how much has changed in the 12 months since we left the “Friend” office, confidently expecting to be back in just a couple of weeks.

Let’s hope it’s not too long before we’re all able to meet up in person once more.

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: Taking A Break

editors diary

If you’ve been keeping up with my Editor’s Diary, you’ll know I’m just back at work after a week’s holiday.

My break should have been enjoyed on the Isle of Skye — but that wasn’t possible, of course.

Lockdown restrictions are still in place in Scotland, and the rule is “stay at home”. So that’s what I did.

And actually, a holiday in the comfort of your own home isn’t so bad. At least you don’t have to worry about travel delays or uncomfortable beds!

I’m lucky to live in a beautiful part of the country, and I made a point of taking a long walk every day. I even found some new routes – like the one in my photo.

Not bad after a year of exploring my local area on foot! I thought I’d already walked every square inch but was surprised by how many new paths I found.

To make the week feel as holiday-ish as possible, I baked a batch of chocolate brownies, made the effort to cook some special dinners and spent lots of time reading. I’d saved an enormous book — “A Promised Land” by Barack Obama – for the occasion. At 700 plus pages, it kept me going all week.

I also watched several excellent films, including “Lion”, which was outstanding.

The cats thought it was the best holiday ever – no trip to the cattery for them!

On the anniversary of the first lockdown, I received my COVID vaccination. It was strange to reflect on how much has changed in the 12 months since we left the “Friend” office, confidently expecting to be back in just a couple of weeks.

Let’s hope it’s not too long before we’re all able to meet up in person once more.

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.


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