Editor’s Diary: New Year Resolutions

Shutterstock / Blue Planet Studio © editors diary

Have any readers of my Editor’s Diary made a New Year resolution?

Normally I don’t bother. Sometimes it can feel like you’re just putting more pressure on yourself!

However, this year, I have made one resolution. It’s to keep learning new things.

And more than that – to make time every now and again to reflect on what I’ve learned. So often, we all forget to do that, don’t we?

Yet that sense of achievement that comes from challenging yourself and succeeding can really give you a boost.

Over the past year, for example, I have acquired all sorts of knowledge and skills. That’s mainly because I’ve been forced into it by lockdown and working from home!

But that need to just get on and do it has actually been good for me.

For a start, I’m still going strong with my online Gaelic lessons.

I may not be very good at it, but I know an awful lot more than I did 12 months ago! And it gives my brain a workout.

Learning to use new technology such as Teams and Zoom has been a challenge.

But I have successfully taken part in online training sessions, events and conferences. And podcast recordings!

This week, I even participated in the judging of our Friendship photography competition via Zoom! Look out for the results being announced very soon . . .

And — perhaps my proudest achievement of 2021 so far — I have finally mastered the art of making the perfect lemon drizzle cake!

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: New Year Resolutions

Shutterstock / Blue Planet Studio © editors diary

Have any readers of my Editor’s Diary made a New Year resolution?

Normally I don’t bother. Sometimes it can feel like you’re just putting more pressure on yourself!

However, this year, I have made one resolution. It’s to keep learning new things.

And more than that – to make time every now and again to reflect on what I’ve learned. So often, we all forget to do that, don’t we?

Yet that sense of achievement that comes from challenging yourself and succeeding can really give you a boost.

Over the past year, for example, I have acquired all sorts of knowledge and skills. That’s mainly because I’ve been forced into it by lockdown and working from home!

But that need to just get on and do it has actually been good for me.

For a start, I’m still going strong with my online Gaelic lessons.

I may not be very good at it, but I know an awful lot more than I did 12 months ago! And it gives my brain a workout.

Learning to use new technology such as Teams and Zoom has been a challenge.

But I have successfully taken part in online training sessions, events and conferences. And podcast recordings!

This week, I even participated in the judging of our Friendship photography competition via Zoom! Look out for the results being announced very soon . . .

And — perhaps my proudest achievement of 2021 so far — I have finally mastered the art of making the perfect lemon drizzle cake!

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.


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