Editor’s Diary: In Praise Of Pets

in praise of pets

It will surprise no one that I have a lot to say in praise of pets.

As I write this Editor’s Diary, my cat Zorro is rolling about on the carpet behind me. He thinks I should be stroking him instead of typing!

And he can be very insistent. It’s hard to concentrate sometimes when he miaows constantly for attention!

I can never resist him, though. And he knows it . . .

For me, one of the best things about the past eighteen months or so has been the chance to spend all day with my cats.

I’m pretty sure they’ve enjoyed it, too.

They keep me company as I work busily away at the kitchen table. Matilda often sits on my knee as I type. And they both love attending team meetings!

Now that the weather has turned colder, I keep a fleecy blanket handy in case I feel a draught. Both cats adore it and frequently commandeer it, leaving me shivering and chilled!

  • Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.
  • Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.

I’m not alone in my love of pets. It’s estimated that there are over twelve million dogs and twelve million cats living in UK households.

And, of course, I mustn’t forget the pets that don’t live indoors with us.

in praise of pets

Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.

Working from home has also given me more precious time to spend with this gorgeous girl!

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: In Praise Of Pets

in praise of pets

It will surprise no one that I have a lot to say in praise of pets.

As I write this Editor’s Diary, my cat Zorro is rolling about on the carpet behind me. He thinks I should be stroking him instead of typing!

And he can be very insistent. It’s hard to concentrate sometimes when he miaows constantly for attention!

I can never resist him, though. And he knows it . . .

For me, one of the best things about the past eighteen months or so has been the chance to spend all day with my cats.

I’m pretty sure they’ve enjoyed it, too.

They keep me company as I work busily away at the kitchen table. Matilda often sits on my knee as I type. And they both love attending team meetings!

Now that the weather has turned colder, I keep a fleecy blanket handy in case I feel a draught. Both cats adore it and frequently commandeer it, leaving me shivering and chilled!

  • Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.
  • Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.

I’m not alone in my love of pets. It’s estimated that there are over twelve million dogs and twelve million cats living in UK households.

And, of course, I mustn’t forget the pets that don’t live indoors with us.

in praise of pets

Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.

Working from home has also given me more precious time to spend with this gorgeous girl!

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.


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