Editor’s Diary: Hellos and Goodbyes

editors diary

This Editor’s Diary gets off to an exciting start when we welcomed a new face to the “Friend” team.

Mairi Hughes has joined us to cover for another team member’s maternity leave. And very welcome she is, too! We’re looking forward to getting to know her over the next few weeks. A new colleague always brings fresh energy and different ideas to us old hands!

Then, on Tuesday, visitors arrived. This England and Evergreen magazines are sister publications to the “Friend”, and are produced from our London office. But when the editorial team come to Dundee for meetings, they sit in the “Friend” office, and it’s always lovely to see them. They definitely liven up the week!

And, of course, all these comings and goings gave us the perfect excuse to go out for lunch. Our favourite Italian restaurant was the venue, and pizza and pasta was consumed in large quantities. It was the perfect way for Mairi to get to know her new colleagues, and hopefully we didn’t scare her off!

With meetings on our 150th anniversary celebrations, advertising matters and marketing ideas, the time flew by. All too soon, it was Friday, and we were saying goodbye for a while to Lisa from the Features team, who’s off to have her baby. We couldn’t let the occasion go by without another celebration, so it was generous slices of cake all round.

Phew – after that week, I need to get back to my healthy eating regime.

Read more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary by clicking the tag below.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: Hellos and Goodbyes

editors diary

This Editor’s Diary gets off to an exciting start when we welcomed a new face to the “Friend” team.

Mairi Hughes has joined us to cover for another team member’s maternity leave. And very welcome she is, too! We’re looking forward to getting to know her over the next few weeks. A new colleague always brings fresh energy and different ideas to us old hands!

Then, on Tuesday, visitors arrived. This England and Evergreen magazines are sister publications to the “Friend”, and are produced from our London office. But when the editorial team come to Dundee for meetings, they sit in the “Friend” office, and it’s always lovely to see them. They definitely liven up the week!

And, of course, all these comings and goings gave us the perfect excuse to go out for lunch. Our favourite Italian restaurant was the venue, and pizza and pasta was consumed in large quantities. It was the perfect way for Mairi to get to know her new colleagues, and hopefully we didn’t scare her off!

With meetings on our 150th anniversary celebrations, advertising matters and marketing ideas, the time flew by. All too soon, it was Friday, and we were saying goodbye for a while to Lisa from the Features team, who’s off to have her baby. We couldn’t let the occasion go by without another celebration, so it was generous slices of cake all round.

Phew – after that week, I need to get back to my healthy eating regime.

Read more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary by clicking the tag below.


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